How to import photos into Photoshop

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How to import photos into Photoshop

Post by KimSWilliamson »

Photostudio 2 on my Renommee is not reading the SD card with the photo (logo) I want to import. It has downloaded other photos, but not this one which is a logo I wanted to shorten the length of.

I have used this logo beofe imported from Photo Transfer, which did not allow me to alter it and when put into a scene, the end of the logo is off the screen.

So, I thought to import it into Photostudio, but photo Studio 2 is not reading it.

Here is what I did:
1. I imported the logo into Adobe Photoshop Elements 5.
2. I couldn't figure out how to shorten the length of the logo, so I just saved it as a jpeg
3. I saved it onto a Lexar SD card.
4. I put the SD card into a card hub.
5. I plugged the card hub into the back of the Renommee via USB
6. I opened PhotoStudio 2, which downloaded 2 photos from the SD card, even tho there were about 8 including the logo I needed.
7. When I repeatedly pressed "Get Photos" button on PhotoStudio 2(in Renommee) - a bar appears for 1 second with a green horizontal bar which is going halfway across the bar window, then shuts off.
8. During which time, the hub with the SD card is blinking a green light, as if it it is trying to download the photos.

Also, are Photostudio 2 and Photo transfer compatible somehow, can I somehow get photos from Photo transfer into Photostudio 2?

Any suggestions? I did read an old tips and suggestions by Lou Bruno re: Images altered with adobe photshop, but I did not understand the parts about the MSUS files etc. :?:

thanks in advance, Kim Williamson
Blue Goose Video Production
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Re: How to import photos into Photoshop

Post by KimSWilliamson »

Correction, what I meant to say was I originally put the logo graphic into Adobe Photoshop Element 5 to resize it, but couldn't figure out what size the Casablanca PhotoStudio 2 would accept.

Kim Williamson
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Re: How to import photos into Photoshop

Post by IanPearson »

PS2 requires three main steps for it to accept photos.

1. The resolution must be above a value. I normally feed photos taken with a resolution of 2560 x 1920. I am not certain what the lower resolution value is, but I have gone down to 1000 x 750 without problem. Obviously if you crop a photo you might not have the same resolution ratio. But anything over 1000 for horizontal should be fine.

2. The photo or graphic must also be saved in colour format (even a monochrome) of at least 32 bit colour.

3. The file reference is a JPEG format, but again must be a specific format with a file reference *.jpg

Other than the above your process seems to be fine.

I have heard that using Adobe Photoshop can in some circumstances have compatibility issues with PS2, but I use it all the time and provided I use the criteria above, never have a problem with transfer.

Ian Pearson S6000 Bogart SE7 - Solitaire OS V9.1 - Avio DV Pro OS V9.1
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Re: How to import photos into Photoshop

Post by KimSWilliamson »

Thank you so much for the much needed guidance on importing this graphic into Photo Sudio 2.

In APShop - At the bottom of the re-size image window, there is a box to check that gives the options - bilinear, bicubic, nearest neigbor - what should be checked on that?

The original graphic I copied from the website of the client, the proportions of the original graphic is: 1800x300 and is 78.2KB
So, in APShop, I went to the resize image window and below is the options:

Pixel dimensions box:

Document size: (should I use inches, cm, etc.?)

Thanks for the assistance!

Kim S. Williamson
Blue Goose Video Productions
Comfort, TX
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