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Copy Project Tip

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 3:00 am
by IanPearson
A few weeks back I posted some information on Bogart Backup options, which I have since reviewed and updated. The posted version was not incorrect, but I have hopefully better described what operates what. The document is 5 pages, but if anyone would like a copy they can send me a personal message leaving their email address and I will gladly send a copy.

However, the purpose of this post is to share some useful experience I have had with one of the options i.e. “Copy a project to another project”. This does not require any additional programs, it is part of the Bogart OS, well at least V4 onwards.

After each few hours of editing and particularly after a complex sequence, I have got into the habit of making a copy to another project. It only takes a minute to do this process. This is not instead of doing a full backup, I will still do these at the end of a days editing.

Yesterday after about 2 hours work I copied to another project and carried on editing the original. During the next session the system crashed, told me there was an unrecoverable error and shut itself down. Upon restart it informed me it would have to load with data from a previous backup. :cry:

Sure enough the project I was working with had lost all yesterdays editing, some 2 hours plus, however, the copy was intact up to the point where I have made the copy. I made another copy and saved 2 hours of potentially lost work. :)

Incidentally, the system crash was partially my fault, I cancelled a Columbus 3 render half way through, because I wanted to make another change. Bogart certainly does not like render quitting, it is better to let it complete the render then go back and make any changes. :oops:
