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Is there a simple solution to this syncing issue?

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 7:07 am
by Rte80west
Here's what I did: put some music/effects OVER native audio. So native audio was eliminated.

1) The footage synced up perfect when played on Cassie storyboard.

2) Sent footage to miniDV tape. Noticed minor sync issue- the audio lagged behind video. Cant tell if its consistent or gets progressively worse but there is definitely a lag time. Minor but its there.

3) Loaded miniDV footage back to Cassie. Played on storyboard. Looked fine again.

4) Burned to DVD and played in DVD player. Lag noticeable again.

5) Loaded DVD to CVassie via Ksebara tool. Plays fine on storyboard again.

HUH? It seems like the problem is the original offset noticed when sent to tape. I noticed in the main settings menu a tool under Record/Playback sub-menu entitled "A/V asynchronicity". Does an adjustment need to be made here? If so, how would I even know how much to adjust? The overriding question is why the slight offset when going to tape? Just don't get it.

Re: Is there a simple solution to this syncing issue?

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 10:14 am
by BobFoster
I guess my 1st question would be; "Why are you dumping the video to tape, re-loading it back into the Cassie and THEN burning the DVD"? 2nd question - how long is the program? Are you having to reduce the audio or video quality to get the program to fit on a DVD? How about more info on your editor. What OS version is loaded?

Re: Is there a simple solution to this syncing issue?

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 10:29 am
by Rte80west
Hi Bob. Thanks for taking time to reply.

s4k latest OS, up to date on everything. Footage was 5 minutes.

Why did I sequence it as I did - to try and pinpoint what exactly is happening and where sync issue shows up. Where are things going wrong? It appears to be on the dump to tape. Obviously there is no need to dump to tape reload and THEN burn DVD but if I wanted to it SHOULD work. There should be no sync issues wherever I go w/ the footage. And if I made it a point NOT to go to tape - to just load native footage, add music etc and then burn to DVD - and say it works OK - then why export to tape to archive if a sync issue shows up?

Re: Is there a simple solution to this syncing issue?

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 1:06 pm
by JBrooks
I have not had the need to export an HDV story board out via 1394 firewire until this week. I had a 30 min. program going out from my S-4100 (albeit with Bogart 3.6c) to my EX1 in the "HDV" mode where I can utilize the firewire and the audio was in sync until the 17 min. mark then from that point forward, the audio slipped at least 4 or 5 frames and became un-usable. Even though I am recording to an SxS card .vs HDV tape, the recording mode & codec is the same. I don't know if this bug is limited to my older 3.6c operating system version, or if it is an ongoing issue even with Bogart 4. I ended up going out via "S-Video" from my S-4100 to a Beta SP deck for the client that had to use this format for a TV station for now. The program is going to air in 4:3 belive it or not. I am so use to 16:9 & HD, it looked weird to me but it was still a pretty clean recording though.

An additional note, I exported the 30 min storyboard via the HDV project back-up to a flash drive and the audio stayed in sync with no problems...

Joel Brooks
MIT Video

Re: Is there a simple solution to this syncing issue?

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 11:50 am
by JBrooks
I have heard that Bogart 4 has addressed this issue.


Re: Is there a simple solution to this syncing issue?

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 9:08 am
by Rte80west
Unfortunately, I am using Bogart 4 and still have this incredibly annoying sync issue.

Re: Is there a simple solution to this syncing issue?

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 7:54 pm
by Rte80west
Bogart 5 now. Still a problem.