video to still pictures

For all questions & tips related to Casablanca video editors.
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video to still pictures

Post by methuenbill »

I have 3 video albums that were done on the avio years ago. I have reloaded them using the reverse Arabesk ksebara? It will not auto split but I need to get stills off the video. What is the easiest way to do this if possable?
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Re: video to still pictures

Post by Christopher6206 »

I have not tried this but it seems like it should work. Once you've trimmed your scene and created a still scene of the first frame try clicking on "Opt" in the edit window. It should give you an option to export pictures to archive. Then from there you can save to USB and then print them. Hope that helps.
Chris Crawford
Travel 2, running Bogart 12, All software
Karat with Bogart 10.3 , Arabesk 7
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Panasonic AG-AC 160, Sony NEX-VG900, Sony NXCAM - NX30U
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Re: video to still pictures

Post by methuenbill »

Thanks will try that tonight.
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Re: video to still pictures

Post by IanPearson »

To add to Chris’s reply, below is a detailed process for transferring stills via MM. You can use a USB stick or CD-RW to copy the stills.

If you have Photo transfer installed, you can also use the following, which is a little easier to achieve.


Photo Transfer Program
If the Photo Transfer program is installed, still scenes from the scene bin can be transferred as follows.
1. In this case plug the flash drive into a spare USB port.
2. Using “Trim”, trim the scene bin active scene to the frame required.
3. Click “Special” – “Photo transfer” – “OK” – “Export to photo memory device” and in this example select the “Kingston Data Traveller”, which will be one of the options indicated.
4. Select the “Image format – Frame” and “Image quality – High” and click “OK”. A photo will now be on the flash drive for transfer to wherever.

Photo from a scene in the scene bin
1. Highlight the appropriate scene bin scene and click the “Opt” (scene bin display options), which is at the bottom right of the main edit screen, shown by the red arrow, right insert.
2. In the options drop down box, select “Export pictures to archives”, which will display the first frame of the highlighted scene and a position selection box.
3. Click the button “Position” and scroll to the required scene frame, then click “OK”. It will appear that nothing has happened and return back to the edit screen, but the transfer has taken place.
4. Plug a flash drive into a USB port. From the SE home page under “Settings” click the “Media manager” button, to open the main menu page of the MM.
5. In the “Archives” line, click No 6, with the camera symbol, which opens the photo archives window. Upper right displays the currently selected photo and on the left the photo name, information of when it was recorded, the album and resolution of the photo. In this example the photo resolution is 1920 x 1080 (20 megapixel).
In the lower box “Display all Photos” will be a list of all the archived photos. Each entry will be displayed by name and a @ symbol, followed by a number. This is the number of the scene frame, as selected in step 3 above.
6. Scroll and highlight the picture required. Clicking “play” or the rectangle symbol, will show the photo full screen, right click to return.
7. Click the “DVD Export/Create DVD” button, which opens the “Photo select” page. In the top window click media/destination box, highlight the media required, in this case USB/Firewire and left click.
8. Highlight the photo to be transferred in the lower left window and click the “OK” button to place this option in the “Selected for USB” box to the right. Repeat this for any other photos to be transferred to the flash drive. Photos already in the export bin will change from white to black.
9. With all the photos required for transfer in the export bin, click the bottom row button “DVD Start export”.
10. Highlight the appropriate media i.e. USB and click the “OK” button. There will be a brief flash and the photos are now copied to the USB flash drive.

Photo from a scene in the storyboard
1. With the appropriate scene highlighted in the story board, click “Range” then “Position” and scroll to the required scene.
2. Click the button to the right of the position bar with a camera symbol “Export picture to archives” and click “OK”. The photo will now be in the MM archive.
3. Follow steps 4 to 10 as above.
Ian Pearson S6000 Bogart SE7 - Solitaire OS V9.1 - Avio DV Pro OS V9.1
Programs:- Most programs, with the notable exception of CB Paint and Quadcam
Kingston upon Hull. England
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Re: video to still pictures

Post by MichaelD »

Alternatively (depending on your Bogart version) add the footage to the Story Board.

Then use the "Range" button - if you see a little picture of a camera in there then here's an easy tip.

Using the Range control scroll through the footage stopping at any point that you want a picture of, then click on the camera button and continue on until you have finished.

Then go to Media Manager, Photo Archives and in there you'll see all the stills that you selected.
Export these to a USB or CD etc and there you are :D
Posts: 634
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Re: video to still pictures

Post by MichaelD »

Looks like Ian and I might have been typing at the same time :lol:
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Location: Methuen, MA

Re: video to still pictures

Post by methuenbill »

Do the job last night all worked well. Scrolled through, hit the camera icon, downloaded to memory stick. Loaded to a PC and zipped them, emailed to San Diego.
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