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Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 9:57 am
by IanPearson
I have a Seagate 2TB HDD, which I use for HD-backup and storyboard backups.

The process works well, in that I can complete and recover data, with no problem. The only issue I have is with the HD-Backup delete.

When I delete an old backup, the data is removed, no problem, but all the deleted backup titles are still listed in the drop down box, e.g. 2011-09-22 09:37:33am . If I click on any of the deleted titles it displays 0GB in the backup size indication.

Since I tend to retain just the last 3 or 4 backups and delete all the others, I now have quite a list, with most, but the last 3 or 4 at 0GB.

I mentioned the above to someone across here in the UK, but in their experience, the delete also removed the notation and the dropdown box just displays those that have not been deleted.

The reason I want to get rid of the 0GB list is that I also have a couple that I have used earlier as project environments, but each time I want to work on one, I have to trawl through and open each to find the ones I want. Even if I put some description in the box below, I still need to open each in turn to find the ones containing data.

I could of course just keep a note of those that are project envionments, but thats not the point, I will still have a huge list of backups.

Has anyone had a similar experience and managed to correct the problem or does someone have any suggestions, please.


P.S. I have not had the guts to try restoring one of these 0Gb backups to see what happens, I guess I would end up with a clean sheet?????

Re: HD-Backup

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 5:44 pm
by LouBruno
Ian.....I am not 100% sure how I remedied this issue. But I did.

I THINK, I placed Store N' Share on the same drive. For some reason, the "0" files showed up from HD back-up and I DELETED same via STORE n' SHARE's software DELETE MENU.

WARNING: DO NOT IMPORT THE "0" DOES DELETE and WIPES out your projects. I know from testing this occurs.

Re: HD-Backup

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 2:44 am
by IanPearson
Hi Lou, thanks for the reply.

You may have something here, I do have both "HD Backup" and "Backup/restore storyboard" on the same Seagate HDD, however, they act as though they are partitioned. That is if I access the HD Backup, I only see the HD backup list and if I access Backup story board from the Project settings, I only see the story board backup list.

At least I know it has happened to at least one other and that there may be a solution. I will do some more digging and see what I can find.

Thanks by the way for the warning, I had suspected this might happen, so I have never tried to restore from a “0” GB file. However, this is one other reason I want to remove the “0” files, there is always the chance I will restore one of these by accident.


Re: HD-Backup

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 5:13 am
by LouBruno
I will check later. I still think that is how I did it. There were a few HD backups I deleted. They showed up as 0GB. It was just one of those annoying 'things.' I remember doing something stupid-which is easy for me anyway. I DELETED a STORE n' SHARE project in error after observing a project and thinking it was a HD BACKUP, I no longer needed- both/all on the same drive. MS release notes, here in the STATES, advises separate external Hard drives probably just for that reason.

IanPearson wrote:Hi Lou, thanks for the reply.

You may have something here, I do have both "HD Backup" and "Backup/restore storyboard" on the same Seagate HDD, however, they act as though they are partitioned. That is if I access the HD Backup, I only see the HD backup list and if I access Backup story board from the Project settings, I only see the story board backup list.

At least I know it has happened to at least one other and that there may be a solution. I will do some more digging and see what I can find.

Thanks by the way for the warning, I had suspected this might happen, so I have never tried to restore from a “0” GB file. However, this is one other reason I want to remove the “0” files, there is always the chance I will restore one of these by accident.


Re: HD-Backup

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 8:15 am
by LouBruno is how it works. I was correct. With BOTH STORE N' SHARE and HD on the same drive OR only HD BACKUP-but you MUST have STORE N' SHARE software:

.Open up HD BACKUP and MAKE note of the dates or designation of those projects with a 0 GB. This is VERY important. VERY IMPORTANT

.Go to PROJECT SETTINGS and then> SELECT and locate your drive

.Open up Store N' SHARE via the SELECT menu. You will not see the word STORE N'SHARE. It is the software that allows such-you will observe your other drive and a menu. HINT: I always designate my internal drive with the word "INTERNAL" and I designate my external drive with the word "EXTERNAL" as to isolate which drive I am working with when using Store N' Share.

You will see those dates or designation of the HD BACKUP in the SELECT MENU. In my case I discovered a 0Gb setting prior to my last saved HD BACKUP with a specific date.

NOW.....go to your drive and you will see these files from your HD BACKUP in the "HD SELECTION" box

Highlight the file(s) you wish to delete but use caution here not to erase a GOOD backup.

Select DELETE project environment from the lower part of the men.. The OK

You will observe a message that a backup is in progress.

It just worked for me.

Re: HD-Backup

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 10:42 am
by IanPearson

Thanks for the info, it has worked a treat.

At present all I have is the two latest HD backups and the two project environments I use occasionally, all the zeros are gone.

I did this slightly different, in that I highlighted each zero individually clicked the “Delete project environment” and when completed just clicked cancel.

Thanks again Lou, since I’m not sure I would have found this without your help.

I'm not sure why this has happend in the first place, but at least I have a solution or work around.
