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Dumb Question!

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 7:54 am
by flvideo
My track Ball is getting sticky. What can I do to free it up. I am tempted to spray a lubricant in it but am Hesitant to do so. Thanks Bob...

Re: Dumb Question!

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 11:02 am
by CasablancaExpert

If it's the standard Logitech trackball - yep, they can get pretty yucky.

Lift the ball out of the device and clean that with a cloth - you can use a chemical wipe or a cloth with rubbing (Isopropyl) alcohol.

Then take a cloth or cotton swabs and clean out the cavity where the ball sits... pay particular attention to the 3 'bumps' that the ball rests upon (they usually collect lots of lint & dirt) and the little 'window' - this rectangle is the optical scanner that is looking at all those lines on the ball to determine the positioning.
The track-ball will be less responsive if you try to use it right away, until the moisture evaporates... then you may be surprised how well it works, again ;)
Hope that helps!


By the way Bob - I always tell my workshops & classes "The only stupid or dumb question is the one you never ask" (that is unless you decided not to listen to my answer the first time in class) :D

Re: Dumb Question!

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 12:59 pm
by ASHampton
I use a toothpick to clean the little rollers that the ball rides on. I have noticed that sometimes little artifacts can get stuck on them and a little nudging with a light hand can remove them.

Re: Dumb Question!

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 2:08 pm
by flvideo
Thanks Guys, I used a wipe to clean the ball and a Q-tip and the wipe to clean the inside. It works great. It was nasty inside. I don't know how many years I have been using this editor and never cleaned it. I think this Track ball is the first I got with my Avio. I still have a new track ball I got with my Rennee.