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Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2013 5:08 pm
by Sidsniffles
Recently replaced the hard drive on my Avio, now i'm attempting to create "horizontal scroller", message on a clip,
now when i type inside the box, (after so many words/numbers),
it causes the entire system to freeze, (for a second), and then restart.
ERROR: "An unrecoverable problem occurred, system will restart."
How do i get my message across, without the system crashing?
NOTE: Other "Type Effects", are working fine.


Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2013 10:44 am
by BobFoster
One version of SE OS software had a glitch that limited the quantity of letters/numbers on a line. It would then crash with the "red box of death". Changing to an earlier or later version of the OS software would correct the issue in the Titler.
To test for this issue, insert title into a scene without a "sized" box. Choose a small font size such as (35) and type in a series of letters/numbers. If the cassie crashes before you fill the single line, you have confirmed the buggy software version. I believe the limit before the crash was around 30 characters including spaces.


Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2013 10:55 am
by CKNewman
Bob, you have a good memory! I was typing my answer below when you posted yours, but I'll leave mine here anyway.

I have heard of problems that might be helped by one of the following:

You could try re-installing the operating system in the Avio with the problem.

The Avio may not be able to keep up with your typing speed. Try typing a little slower.

If you were working with other programs and effects before you opened the titler, those programs might not have released all of the memory they were using, so the titler may be running out of memory. This might also happen if you are experimenting with different effects and/or and correcting errors as you enter text. Try switching to another project and then back the project you're working on.

You could start another project just for "pre-assembling". Use the clipboard to bring over any video that you want the titling to scroll over. Create the scrolling text and then create a scene of it. Use the clipboard to send the scene back to your original project.

Let us know how things work out.