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Start Photo Studio 2 button is missing

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 10:00 am
by Christopher6206
Hello! I recently did a clean install of Bogart 4.5c. Nothing was wrong, it was just a good time to do it. I backed up all projects and restored them after the install. I've activated all add on software. Photo Studio 2 is on the list when I click on special. It does not have a red dot next to it. But the button that usually pops up that says "Start Photo Studio 2" is gone. I was using this all the time with 4.5c before I did the clean install. I have deleted Photo Studio 2 and reinstalled it twice with the same result. I have checked other projects, the button is not there. I've started a new project, no button. Where is this thing? Seems like I'm overlooking something simple. Any suggestions???? I also tried installing Photo Studio 1 thinking maybe they both needed to be active in order for the button to be there but my machine asked me for a code which I do not own. Thanks!

Re: Start Photo Studio 2 button is missing

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 9:29 pm
by Christopher6206
Well almost 40 people read my post but no one responded. I figured it out anyway, though not sure why it worked. The photo studio 2 program on my all add on software disc was version 2.2a (I think). I tried installing it with my all add on software disc for my solitaire, it was version 2.7. And viola! The button has magically appeared!