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6 pin fire wire won't import

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 9:59 pm
by Christopher6206
Hello! Just want to see if anyone else has had this problem. I use a Cannon XH A1s to import HD and SD material via fire wire into my S-4000 pro. The front fire wire connection is 4 pin and my Cannon has 6 pin output. So I have a fire wire cable that is 6 pin on one side and 4 pin on the other. This works fine. The S-4000 pro also has a 6 pin DV in on the back so I've hooked up a fire wire to that, that is 6 pins on both sides and the machine does not recognize it. I read somewhere that flipping the wire around might fix the problem but it has not. The 6 pin fire wire is brand new but I have not tested it on anything else. Either the cable is bad, the 6 pin DV in on the back is bad, or something else. Any suggestions?

Re: 6 pin fire wire won't import

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 6:03 am
by LouBruno
Check your output setting in the XHA-1. I had that camera in the past and I recall that the output setting gave me issues at times. I no longer have the camera to help you out.

Re: 6 pin fire wire won't import

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 7:53 am
by Christopher6206
I've had output problems as well but changing a setting in the playback standard mode fixes the problem. It would seem that the output should work weather or not the input on the otherside of the cable is 6 pin or 4 pin. I checked the camera and the manual and there is no mention of the difference in playback setting for either cable. It just says to use the appropriate cable depending on the computers DV input. Thanks for the response Lou.

Re: 6 pin fire wire won't import

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 11:38 am
by BobFoster
The S 4000 Pro has 2 6 pin firewire ports on the back. Convential wisdom dictates using the one on the left above the USB ports. Don't ask me why, I don't know.

Re: 6 pin fire wire won't import

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 1:30 pm
by Christopher6206
Unbeleivable! That other 6 pin DV input is kind of hidden within those USB ports. Thanks Bob! I found it plugged it in and it worked perfectly. My machine sits under my desk and it's hard to access the back so I never new that other input was there. Makes me wonder what the other one is for though.