Export options

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Export options

Post by Rte80west »

Hi all,

I typically burn to DVD and/or miniDV tape. Is there an option to export a storyboard to a flash drive or some format that would enable me to play it on a computer? esentially, 'rip' the files? What format would this be in? How would I do this?
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Re: Export options

Post by garymcnally »

The latest versions of Bogart will do this from the clip bin in the Edit Menu. Just select the clip you want to export, and then select the OPT button. Then select export clip with a USB thumb drive already inserted. It is an AVI file unless you have the Render Booster. RB allows a lot of other formats and data rates. If your clip or scene is long, you can also plug in USB external hard drives too.

You can also export projects and restore them from the PROJECT back up/restore menu. More export options with Render Booster. USB devices like thumb drives and hard drives.

And of course you can always use the Media Manager to export
Gary McNally
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Location: Blaine, WA

Re: Export options

Post by garymcnally »

here is a manual for storyboard exports:
http://www.macrosystem.us/index.php?pr= ... ard_Backup
Gary McNally
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Re: Export options

Post by jpbarthe »

Would you know how long it would take to export an HD storyboard of a film that is about an hour and a half? I have been sitting here for more than 15 minutes and don't see even a bit of a bar progressing.
Jean Paul
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Location: Weatherford, TX

Re: Export options

Post by JBrooks »

Hi JP,

Depending on how the footage will be used, I would recommend archiving to media manager (unless you have render booster then you could skip the media manager step) then utilize the .TS (Transport Stream) codec for uncompressed or unchanged audio/video quality especially if the video will be transferred via FTP site...if you just want to "play" the video sequence on a pc or mac, then export the scene via the export option in the scene bin and use the .AVI set to MAX quality (looks really good) or the H.264 codec set to MAX....The EXPORT time depends on the quality settings but I know that the .TS codec exports from media manager way faster than real time....the same should be if using the scene export options especially when using render booster.....

Joel Brooks
MIT Video
Joel Brooks
MIT Video Productions
Macrosystem Americas Dealer
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