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S2000 & RelaxVision

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 6:01 pm
by macntucson
I've asked about this problem on the Media Manager Board and please forgive me for posting it again here, but I think more people visit this board and one of you may have the solution.

Last week I upgraded my S2K from Bogart 2.4c to 5.3 with a full install. This was from a DVD supplied to members of the Casablanca Club. The install notes mentioned that in Media Manager I should activate the RelaxVision program. After installing 5.3 and activating the various software, everything seemed to be working fine until...I tried to get into Media Manager. I got the "The system will switch" message and then nothing. Just a blue/black screen. On the backlit screen on the front of the S2K, it read "BASICS."

Lou Bruno suggested trying another burn. I tried both an update and another full install. Same thing. I can't access Media Manager. After the "switch" message I even let the whole system keep running for a long time thinking maybe Media Manager needed some time to fire up for the first time. But after awhile I got a "No Signal" message from the monitor (HD Monitor connected to the S2K by HDMI).

Anyway, I'm anxious to get started on my first HD project, but want to make sure my system is working correctly. I sure would be grateful for some help in getting to that point. Are there some ideas out there regarding what the problem may be?

Thanks in advance.

Re: S2000 & RelaxVision

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 12:04 am
by MichaelD
How is your machine connected to your TV/Monitor ?

It "may" be that MM is displaying on DVI and you are using SCART or something similar etc etc . . .

If so in MM click the large right trackball button and the display might then say Menu.

Press and hold the right trackball button for about 10 seconds and then release and tap the large left trackball button to cycle to the next TV output.

Worth a try ;) ... r_embedded

Re: S2000 & RelaxVision

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 8:47 am
by macntucson
Thank you for your suggestion, Michael. I tried right clicking on the blue/black screen after I got "the system will switch" message, but nothing happened. I can't seem to access Media Manager at all. It's like it doesn't even exist on my unit.

Re: S2000 & RelaxVision

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 9:33 am
by CasablancaExpert
If you perform a clean install of Bogart V5 you need to first activate the Gold Package or Silver Package (the new name for what used to be Pro Pack) to be able to enter your Media Manager. This is done in the Install Product menu in the System Settings Screen. Detailed tutorial on my website here:


Re: S2000 & RelaxVision

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 11:06 am
by macntucson
Thanks, Chet. Gold Edition was already activated. It's very odd. It's like MM doesn't even exist on my system. I just get this blank screen on the monitor and the backlit screen on the S2K reads "Basics."

Re: S2000 & RelaxVision

Posted: Thu May 02, 2013 5:12 am
by MichaelD
Which output are you using to monitor your S2000 - SCART, DVI or VGA ?

Re: S2000 & RelaxVision

Posted: Thu May 02, 2013 7:30 am
by macntucson

Re: S2000 & RelaxVision

Posted: Thu May 02, 2013 11:35 am
by macntucson
Dennis from the MacroSystem office called this morning and walked me through the process. I am now up and running. Thanks to all of you with your suggestions and especially thank you Dennis. Great service from MacroSystem!