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Can we ingest from an Atomos Ninja HD recorder.

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 7:40 am
by AllenMcLaughlin
Hi folks,

Just wondering if anyone has tried pulling in footage from one of these standalone full HD file recorders ?

It says it records in Apple Pro-Res and Avid DNx-HD format. Anyone know if Bogart will capture those ? The beauty of the unit is that it's small, compact and uses small interchangeable notebook size hard drives. I'd like to use one to HDMI output from my Sony Z5-E camcorder to bring the output up to full res HD, rarther than buy another camera.

Re: Can we ingest from an Atomos Ninja HD recorder.

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 9:17 am
by AllenMcLaughlin
I'd also be interested to know if anyone has had any experience using one of these with Bogart, it uses the same codecs as the Ninja but is substantially more affordable. I'm going on a hunch that Avid DNx-HD may work as I believe it's MPEG-2 based and wrapped as an MXF file... ??? ... ckshuttle/

Re: Can we ingest from an Atomos Ninja HD recorder.

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 3:21 am
by LenVine
Can't answer your question, Allen, BUT JUST WANT TO SAY A BIG HELLO TO MY FELLOW GLASWEGIAN !!!! :D

Re: Can we ingest from an Atomos Ninja HD recorder.

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 8:33 am
by stonepatterson
Has anyone investigated use of Samurai Ninja with the S6000? I am going to get a PMW300 when they become available and I am looking at the Ninja as a means to keep costs down when recording and archiving. I am covering new territory here. Just now giving up old 1998 DVcam technology for new 2013/2014 technology and I have a slight fear of finding myself with incompatible systems...

Thanks for any and all replies...

Re: Can we ingest from an Atomos Ninja HD recorder.

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 2:15 am
by MichaelD
Out of interest . . . do you know what type of audio the Sony records PCM & Dalby ?

Re: Can we ingest from an Atomos Ninja HD recorder.

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 6:13 am
by stonepatterson
The Sony PMW300 records audio using the Linear Pulse-Code Modulation method of lossless encoding at 24 bits, 48 kHz with 4 separate channels to work with. If I am buying this camera, I will use all 4 audio channels -- with XLR high-quality microphones on location shoots.

I will be shooting HD on the 422 mode -- 50 Mbps, (MPEG-2). Will I have any problems converting audio and image to a S6000 from the PMW300?

Trying to avoid the high cost of 64 GB SxS Pro cards... I am also looking a buying a Samurai Blade system allowing me to use 500 Gb & 750 Gb 7200 rpm -- 2.5 hard drives @ $59.00 each (saves me a fortune and I am able to archive).

It is hard to get any straight answers about compatibility. Ahhhh new technology! The PMW300 release date by Sony has been pushed back. This camera offers sooooo much at a reasonable price. I hope that I can pull the whole planned system together and make it work.

I love the ease of working with my S6000. I am able to do other projects while I wait the long renderings -- so time is never lost. I also love the final results of my projects on the S6000. But I do want to move forward with new camera technologies. My Pro DVcam cameras are dying of old age. Thanks for any and all help and suggestions!

Re: Can we ingest from an Atomos Ninja HD recorder.

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 6:25 am
by stonepatterson
I also wanted to add, in reading the threads on the CasablancaForum.US --- I find many fellow video/film makers striving for the same thing I am. Highest quality of audio and image with the ease of the Casablanca editing system while trying to keep costs at a minimum.

The PMW300 blows the EX3 out of the water on so many levels. Price is the same (the EX3 has been discontinued). The Samurai Blade offers affordable, top-of-the-line recording and archiving at such a low price! Why is there not more interest?

I hope that these new technologies are compatible with my S6000 unit. Life will be so much easier and my productions will be affordable and awesome to watch and hear! Isn't that what all of us want as well?

Re: Can we ingest from an Atomos Ninja HD recorder.

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2013 9:24 am
by MichaelD
Image will be fine - audio will be double left mono, left on the left track and ermmm . . . left on the right too :roll:

Re: Can we ingest from an Atomos Ninja HD recorder.

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2013 1:18 pm
by LouBruno
MPEG HD 4:2:2 will work

MPEG HD 4:20 will work

MPEG IMX no idea

DVCAM will work

XAC files who knows.