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Chroma Key S3000?

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 7:20 am
by coynerm
Is it possible to chroma key w/ the Casa S3000?

I saw a youtube video that showed a Casa using blue box. If that's the way, is blue box standard or an add'l (paid) feature?


Re: Chroma Key S3000?

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 1:04 pm
by JBrooks
Hi Mike,

Yes. It can however, you will want to purchase "Blu-box World" add-on program..well worth it. The default standard blubox included with the system will not produce as clean of a chroma key. I invite you to visit my website (listed below) & view my company introductory video on my main web page where the "Blue-box World" program was used. It can produce very clean chroma keys.

Joel Brooks