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Loading non-Arabesk DVDs?

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 11:53 am
by BobFoster
Since there are variety of ways to archive programs/projects/storyboards, there doesn't seem to be a lot of need to reload an Arabesk (Ksebara) produced DVD. HOWEVER, I do frequently get handed a DVD for use as source material for a project and it's not an Arabesk made DVD.

I have attempted to load one directly into Karat using Ksebara and get a great quality video but zero sound. I used a Macbook Pro and ripped the TS files to a thumb drive and using the USB record, loaded the same DVD into the Karat. The sound was 20 frames behind the video. No big deal. I can make a scene/sample and easily adjust for the difference. BUT, some of the beginning video was missing from the thumb drive. Both attempts were much faster than real time transfer but not successful.

Has anyone found a work around to load these independent DVDs short of connecting a DVD player and spending hours loading a program? It seems as though ripping a DVD has been a standard option on PCs for years.

Re: Loading non-Arabesk DVDs?

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 1:05 pm
by LouBruno
I probably am misunderstanding. I import the TS files via the BOGART RECORD window. You may see three different 'files' but only one will function to bring into BOGART. The other file is the MENU and unknown what the other file is. The MAIN file takes time to populate and will appear black and if not populated, will simply close-out. So, give it time to rev-up. I do this all the time.

In the future try archiving as ARABESK 6 allows a perfect replication via using the export and read function which produces an ISO file. That same ISO file can be used/imported onto a laptop or PC and probably a MAC to produce an identical ARABESK 6 disc complete with men and chapters. Simply use any free ISO burner on the ISO file you imported from ARABESK 6 to your home PC then place a disc in the drive and then burn a disc.

Re: Loading non-Arabesk DVDs?

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 5:37 pm
by BobFoster
At this time, I am only concerned about loading non Arabesk DVDs. A customer shows up with a DVD or DVDRW and wants the files used in a new project. When I place the DVDRW in the Karat and use Ksebara to load the files, I get a great copy of video with no audio. When I place the DVDRW in a Macbook Pro and open the DVDRW is see 1 folder labeled Video_RM . When I open that folder, nothing shows up. A second folder labeled Video_TS. When I open this folder it contains: Video_TS.BUP, Video_TS.IFO, Video_TS.V03, VTS_01_0.BUP, TTS_01_0.JFO, VTS_01.VOB,
VTS_01_2.VOB, VTS_01_3.VOB, VTS_01_4.VOB, VTS_01_5.VOB. The VTS_01.xVOB files are about 15 - 16 minutes of video each. I transfer the VOB files to a USB thumb drive and check that there is still unused space left, The files will load into Karat using USB record. The loaded files have the audio offset about 20 frames and several minutes of the beginning of the DVD is missing.
A 2:13:00 DVD will load via USB transfer and USB load into Karat in about 35 minutes vs 2:13:00 real time loading. There is some part that I am not doing to get all the files and synced audio.
Surely there is a procedure to rip a DVD (non Arabesk) and use it in our editor.