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Make a Scene!!

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2014 11:01 pm
by CuChi
Does anyone know why I can't make a scene in the storyline sometimes. In other places in the same storyline I can? I have a Solitaire and I'm working with HD footage. It's buggin' the heck out of me!!

Tom Harlan

Re: Make a Scene!!

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2014 5:29 am
by IanPearson
When do say you cannot make a scene, do you mean the button “scene+effect” option is not available?

Depending upon the program/effect combination, the “scene+effect” is not always available, in which case you will need to use the “range” option.

If this is not the issue, can you give more detail as to when the scene function does not work


Re: Make a Scene!!

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2014 10:57 am
by CuChi
Ian, making a range in the imagine processing, I can't make a scene, In a certain part of the storyline. I made it earlier in the storyline, but not on the highlight portion at the end. Working with HD on the Solitaire is a pain in the ....!!

Re: Make a Scene!!

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2014 3:29 pm
by IanPearson
Hi Again Tom
Hmm, this is one I have not come across before, it’s a little strange.

I have not had any such problems working in HD, using Bogart V4, V5 and now V6. However, this is on my S6000, not my Solitaire, which is loaded with Smart Edit V9.

When you say it will not work, is the “Range” button not available (i.e. the lettering is greyed out) or is it black, but when you click the button, it just does not nothing?


Re: Make a Scene!!

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 7:26 am
by CuChi
Ian, the "Range" button IS available unlike the "effect & effect + scene" are grayed out (in the image processing scene). I have a very large hammer handy to "hit any key"..................just kidding, but it's very frustrating when It works some time and some times it doesn't.

Re: Make a Scene!!

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 9:51 am
by IanPearson
Tom, as I said before, this is not an issue I have come across, it could just be a corrupt scene in your storyboard.

One thing you could try is, with a scene in the storyboard that you know will work, click on the “Scene” button, click the “Range”, scroll the “Out” all the way out to the end of the story board and see if it makes a scene of this range. If it does then a scene corruption is unlikely to be the problem.

You could then use the split function to split out the section of the storyboard you require for your scene. It is not a solution, but maybe just a workaround.