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50p/60p footage

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 5:48 am
by AllenMcLaughlin
Does anyone know if the Bogart designers are going to let us fully process 50/60p footage without downscaling in the near future ? I could do with this ASAP ! Also, is there any chance of LPCM audio working soon ?

Re: 50p/60p footage

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 5:13 am
by MichaelD
I'm sure the 'boys' are working on this now . .. ...

Some LPCM cameras do already work (like the Panasonic GH4) with their LPCM - seems like there's more than one type :roll:

Re: 50p/60p footage

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 5:47 pm
by LouBruno
SONY LPCM is an issue. Some cameras work well such as my NIKON HDSLR. SONY has the biggest issue so far.

Re: 50p/60p footage

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 6:09 am
by AllenMcLaughlin
LouBruno wrote:SONY LPCM is an issue. Some cameras work well such as my NIKON HDSLR. SONY has the biggest issue so far.
Ok, so it's a Sony issue. So do all NLE's have the issue with Sony cameras ?

Re: 50p/60p footage

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 11:01 am
by stonepatterson
I too hope the S6000 can work within the 60p or 60i Sony recording format soon. Especially 60P !!!!!!!

This same URL footage can be seen on the CasaForum video sample thread below. I put this here due to the conversation on this thread. I have been delving into this problem for some time. Below is the URL on what the Sony HDR-PJ790 1080 60i to 30p conversion, using the S6000, looks like. While the 60i to 30p conversion DOES have SOME negatives (especially when shooting in a strobe lit room) -- view for yourself -- the final image looks great!

Yes, I used a slider and various additional equipment enhancement tools. The final project looked better on our 73" HD TV than on YouTube! This was a 5 hour shoot with a 4 hour 'edit' turn-around.

Check it out! The Friday Night Fright Bus Tour on June 6, 2014

Re: 50p/60p footage

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 8:26 am
by AllenMcLaughlin
That looks great, so is it better to shoot interlaced for now and use movie mode to convert to 25p rarther than shoot 50p and have it auto frame rate convert ? I have just spent two days shooting 50p and may have to edit it on another platform unless the Bogart boys can give me some good news soon.