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Audio help!

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2014 7:04 am
by flvideo
I don't run into this often but when I do its a pain. I do memorials for funerals occasionally and when I build it I put music of their choice on it and I provide a copy where I put the piece on over and over so they can play it over and over at the funeral home without restarting. My question is how do you regulate the music to the right point at the end? I have tried counting the time in each scene and adding them up but that doesn't seem to work. I know my smart edit system is old school but someone has to remember. Thank You!

Re: Audio help!

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2014 12:03 pm
by CKNewman
In the Audio Mix screen click on the track that has the music on it. Go to Range and choose Trim (where you can choose Trim or Position). Set your in and out points as desired. You can also go to the Fade button and set fade in and out durations.

Re: Audio help!

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2014 1:40 pm
by flvideo
Thats how I do it Craig. When its the last on the piece I just use the fade but when there is another program after it the audio will be in that piece and go into the other so I have 2 songs playing for a few seconds! I only have the problem when I put the program on multiple times. I just need an easy way to calculate how much real time I have from a point.

Re: Audio help!

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2014 3:34 pm
by CKNewman
I don't quite get what you're describing. If you are reconstructing the same program several times, I think you would find it easier to create the program once and then make a Scene of it. Then use the Clipboard to take that scene to an empty project and add it to the storyboard as many times as you want. I understand that the process I've just described may not address the problem you've been facing.

By the way, would you update your profile so we know which operating system you have on your Avio?

Re: Audio help!

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2014 6:29 am
by flvideo
I do make a scene of it and add that scene several times. Maybe I should as you say, open a new project and move the scene and make all on that project scenes. I never thought of that but when I make a scene the audio stops with the fade. My Avio Is Dead now I should take it off of my profile.

Re: Audio help!

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2014 9:44 am
by CKNewman
I'm still not sure how you're creating the project. If you do create a scene that includes the music and then add it to the storyboard several times, does the music overlap every time the scene starts playing (3rd, 4th, 5th time) or only between the first and second times? If you only hear it between 1st and 2nd time it may be because the music is in two places - included as part of the scene and still on a separate track in the Audio Mix screen. If that's the case try removing the music from the separate track in the Audio Mix screen and see if the problem disappears.

Sorry about the Avio, it's always good to have a backup. What happened to it?

Re: Audio help!

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2014 1:07 pm
by flvideo
I edit the first scene and the music on the last song on the piece is longer that the video so when I add the scene I make from the first ont the audio from the edited scene fades and then comes back up after because I have put a scene there so I am hearing 2 songs at the same time for a little. I think what you told me earlier is the solution. I will make a scene and then go to a fresh Project and move my scene Via clipboard and add it as many tines as I want. I had never thought about whnen I make a scene it locks the video with the fade at the end of it. I am getting old Craig, I haveta reason things the old school way!

Re: Audio help!

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2014 4:20 pm
by CKNewman
If you Trim the audio using the Range control then the audio won't be longer than the video. Position and Trim first, then go in and select fade times.

Re: Audio help!

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2014 8:34 pm
by flvideo
I will have to try that. I had never looked at that. I'll let ya know how it goes! Thanks.