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Exporting long scenes to flash drive

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2015 3:27 pm
by lcvideo

I know how to export a storyboard I've saved in the scene bin as a single scene using the OPT button and then choosing to select the "export actual scene" to my USB flash drive destination. But, as you probably know, this only allows me to export a scene about 10 minutes long. I know there is another way to export longer scenes, as I've done it before, but I can't recall how to do it. I made note of how I've done it in the past, but can't find my notes. I been trying to figure it out again for a couple of days and can't. Can someone please assist? Thanks. Lee Cornell

Re: Exporting long scenes to flash drive

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2015 8:02 pm
by Montanamartin
OK, if you have Medea Manager you can do it.1st go to Archives, then to Film archives and export your scene and it wiil go into Medea Manager. Now after it has uploded go into Medea Manager, select Film, Then go to Options and hit video export.
OK,now go up to format and pick somthing very compatable like You Tube H-264,hit close . Now copy the film to the right hand list. Now hit DVD export, and........... it sould start to lode onto your USB. On my editer I have to go back to the Medea Manager menu and then go back in to the the export page to make it start to transfer onto the USB. I have know idea why. Well I hope that will help. There are so many formats and ins and outs it can make you go crazy! ;) :lol:

Re: Exporting long scenes to flash drive

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2015 10:20 pm
by lcvideo
Thanks Kevin.

I'll give that a try. It's just crazy, in my opinion, that I can't just use the simple OPT button to export a longer scene out of the scene bin on the story board page. If I can do 10 minutes, why can't they set the machine up to export whatever length of scene I have as long as there is room on the USB flash drive? Rather than having to jump back and forth between Bogart and Media Manager.

Re: Exporting long scenes to flash drive

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2015 8:11 am
by LouBruno
I don't recall off the top of my head. There was a version of Bogart that was fixed to allow extended exportation. Check to see if your version could be upgraded to a higher level of Bogart but within the same category of your Bogart and not a newer version. Also your USB should formatted to be set to NTFS instead of FAT32.

Re: Exporting long scenes to flash drive

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2015 10:29 am
by Montanamartin
OK, on my Karat 5.5c when I output through the Options button I can put out 20min of HD footage in the high mode. But when I had my S-4000 I could only put out about 5 min. of footage. Yes I have no idea why we cant get more on a USB through the Options Button.There are some other formats in in Medea Manager. If you go into PC Files there is one called DIVX, Full HD, avi that will give you 10000 KBits/s. I have never tried it out. That might be something that would work for you. I think I will Experiment with that myself and see what happens.

Re: Exporting long scenes to flash drive

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2015 6:32 pm
by lcvideo
I'm running Bogart 5.5

Re: Exporting long scenes to flash drive

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2015 11:54 am
by Christopher6206
Lou is right. FAT32 only allows for files of 4 GB or smaller. NTFS the files can be as big as you want. If you have render booster the OPT button gives you a few more choices as well under "MODUS". You can also just back up the storyboard to your USB stick in the projects window. This will give you a better uncompressed file than the OPT button for future editing. But you can only backup the storyboard and the clips original audio. Only the embedded audio within the video clips will be saved. Not music or effects you've added in the Audio Mix window.

Re: Exporting long scenes to flash drive

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 7:11 am
by LouBruno
This will all be changed when SENTRY is released. Copies everything you choose from a project. Audi, transitions, audio mix etc.

Re: Exporting long scenes to flash drive

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2015 12:01 pm
by bethklinger
Lee, I believe you need 5.5c to output longer scenes from the opt button.
Beth Klinger