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Brand New Karat won't stay in dual monitor mode

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 9:58 am
by Christopher6206
The subject line is not entirely accurate. It is more like the Karat will not consistently output the main edit screen to the first monitor. Getting it to do so initially was a challenge. Starting up the Karat the very first time right out of the box it was in single monitor HDMI mode, but after changing the settings to dual monitor I was getting nothing on the first monitor. So after changing monitors and cables and finally seeing some text on the first monitor's screen I have figured out this much. The only way I can get the main editing menu to show up on the first screen is to unplug the HDMI out and leave the DVI out plugged in when booting up the machine. This seems to force the Karat to output through the DVI, even though when it had powered down it was either in single monitor HDMI mode or dual monitor DVI/VGA and HDMI second screen mode. WIthout the HDMI out plugged in, the Karat switches modes before booting up completely and outputs in single monitor mode but with only the DVI output working. (Curiously when I do this, the settings in single monitor mode still say "Screen 1: HDMI 1280 x 720, even though it is not using the HDMI out at all) From there I can change the settings again back to dual monitor and re boot and magically screen 1 has the main edit screen and screen 2 has my video screen. Exactly the way it's suppose to work. But when I power down and reboot, the system stays in dual monitor mode, I can see the words "Macrosystem" on both screens, and on the edit screen display (screen 1) I can see text and computer code flashing in and out. But once the machine has booted up completely I have nothing on the DVI/VGA edit screen (screen 1) and on my video screen I have the typical Macrosystem logo.

Conclusion: Screen works, cable works, dual monitor mode works, DVI output only works with this work around. What am I missing?

Additionally I can't get Media Manager to work either. DOes MM require dual monitor mode? On my S-4000 Pro MM only worked on my 2nd screen. But when I try to switch to MM on the Karat, whether I'm in single or dual monitor mode, my 2nd monitor just say "mode not Supported". So not sure if it's related but I can't seem to use MM either.

Thanks for any help.

Re: Brand New Karat won't stay in dual monitor mode

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 12:49 pm
by BobFoster
Have you gone into the "Settings" menu and set-up the 2 monitor mode with designated resolutions for each screen??

Re: Brand New Karat won't stay in dual monitor mode

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 1:51 pm
by Christopher6206
Yes I have. Screen 1 set to DVI/VGA 1920 X 1080 (16 X 9) 60 Hz Screen 2 HDMI 1920 X 1080p. I have also tried multiple other settings for the DVI/VGA output with the same result.My next step is to try a different type of DVI cable. I've read that there are several types. DVI-I and DVI-D or something like that. Maybe a little shorter cable too. It's just weird that I can get Macrosystem logo to show up on both screens while it's booting up but nothing on Screen 1 when it's finished booting up.

Bob I see you also use a Karat. Does dual monitor mode work for you reliably? Thanks for the reply and I will be continuing to update as I make progress. In my mind this shouldn't be happening. I've used dual monitor mode for 15 years and this is the first time it hasn't worked like it should.

Re: Brand New Karat won't stay in dual monitor mode

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 7:42 pm
by Christopher6206
Success! After pulling out a lot of hair and reading about DVI cables and connections troubleshooting on line I finally decided to just add a DVI to VGA adapter to the Karat and ran a VGA cable to the monitor, problem solved. Dual screen boots up correctly every time. And MM works too. I had left my machine on for 24 hours working in dual monitor mode using the DVI out thinking maybe if it was on long enough it would stick. But sure enough when I powered down the Karat and rebooted nothing but black on screen one. This is a Samsung monitor. One I was using with an old desktop that was wired with a DVI cable and working just fine. Which was why I did not consider it to be a monitor problem. Well I've learned something today.

Re: Brand New Karat won't stay in dual monitor mode

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 5:34 am
by BobFoster
Glad you were able to solve the problem. :D I take my Karat to the job to eliminate the need to load 6 hours of video when I get home. I use the single monitor mode on the road and then switch to dual monitor back in the studio. So far no problems. The Karat is really fast rendering Std Def video and burning a master DVD.