BD-R Compression vs DV Tape Compression

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Joined: Fri Jun 19, 2009 10:13 am
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BD-R Compression vs DV Tape Compression

Post by Rte80west »

In the process of archiving to ext drives. Currently everything I have is on miniDV tape and DVD/BD-R.

When it works, its easier to load up footage from BD-R and then exporting to ext drive. MiniDV tape has less compression but is more time consuming to load up to Karat AND there is additional annoyance of drop outs that occur now and then.

With that said, if compression rate was similar I would certainly load up DVD/BD-R over tape, but just how much better will footage appear if I load up w/ miniDV? My understanding is there is less loss than the more compressed footage on DVD/BD-R, but is the difference that noticeable? If its not I will likely just load up old DVD/BD-R. If I burn a new DVD/BD-R from footage loaded back in from a DVD/BD-R source I will experience even MORE loss, correct?

Any thoughts/opinions on which method is most advisable?

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