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Simple menu creation Arabesk 6

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 11:51 pm
by Christopher6206
Hello! Arabesk used to allow for creating a main menu with no chapter menu, but with the chapter every 5 minute option selected when rendering the film. This would embed a chapter point every 5 minutes, Arabesk 6 doesn't seem, to have this option. If I render the film with chapter points every 5 minutes, it automatically creates a chapter menu, that I have to then fill in. Am I missing something?

Re: Simple menu creation Arabesk 6

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2015 7:43 am
by bethklinger
It's really a neat, easy and fast way to create chapters but I think if you choose ANY sort of chapter points in the menu creation, you will get this. The best thing I can suggest is to NOT choose a chapter menu at all (leave "chapters" unchecked, you will see a yellow circle) ... most remotes on DVD players will automatically move ahead in 5 minute increments. You will still be able to create the Main Menu.

Beth Klinger

Re: Simple menu creation Arabesk 6

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2015 8:32 pm
by Christopher6206
Thanks Beth, I ended up just removing the button for the chapter menu in the main menu. This gave me the red triangle warning before burning the disc, but ended up working out just fine. In the past using previous versions of Arabesk, I have forgotten to add in the 5 minute chapter points and ended up with a disc with no chapters. Not sure on a DVD player automatically forwarding ahead 5 minutes when there are no chapters. That has not been my experience but that's just me.