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Hard Drives and memory

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 2:10 pm
by BillRoth
What is the largest (GB) hard drive the Prestige v.4.1d will recognize running 256 memory chip. If a larger drive is used will it only "see" the maximum amount. Can larger memory chips be used or is 256 the max. 8-)

Re: Hard Drives and memory

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 4:04 pm
by CKNewman
Hi Bill,

As far as I know:

The maximum RAM for the Prestige is 256 MB.

The maximum hard drive that I've remember hearing people use (and what I use myself) is around 320 GB. Remember that these drives were the older ATA/IDE type - not SATA drives. Carroll Lam who runs the Cassie Tips List has some that would work. Hope this helps.

Re: Hard Drives and memory

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2016 10:51 am
by sparks0335
Craig is right about hard drive size and memory size. The thing I liked the most when I had Prestige was that you could have many sleds with different hard drives. Just pulled one out and put a different one in.


Re: Hard Drives and memory

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2016 10:26 am
by MichaelD
You can use up to 750Gb (if you can find them) but I found that they can run hot and then you could loose data.

300 - 320Gb seemed to be the best on size and performance.

No point putting in more memory as 256Mb appears to be all that the Smart Edit uses - some claim better speed but I've never seen it do anything special.