lighting for green screen

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lighting for green screen

Post by videojim »

What is the right way to light a small object in front of a green screen? Light the background separately, so the object doesn't put a shadow on it? trying to figure this out. Thanks!
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Re: lighting for green screen

Post by BobC »

Yes, you are on the right track. Eliminate as much shadow as you possibly can.
Bob Claxton
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Re: lighting for green screen

Post by CKNewman »

I would add that it would be a good idea to use the same type of lighting with the same color temperature. That will insure the camera having a more accurate white balance - thus more accurate color rendition of the object you will have in front of the green screen.
Craig Newman
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Re: lighting for green screen

Post by MichaelD »

If you move the object forward and have the lights (at least two) higher than the camera lens then, depending what the object is, the shadow should fall behind the object.

Only other tip is to have plenty of light available and if you can add some to the background then all the better.
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Re: lighting for green screen

Post by LenVine »

Also, make sure the object doesn't have any green it it.
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