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For all questions & tips related to Casablanca video editors.
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Posts: 349
Joined: Mon Mar 29, 2010 10:30 am
Casablanca Unit: Travel 2 running Win Bogart 12. Karat, running Bogart 10.6, S-4000pro running Bogart 5.5c, Render Booster
Location: St. Louis, MO USA

Receiving notifications

Post by Christopher6206 »

Is there a way to set up notifications on this forum for whenever a new topic is posted? Not seeing that option on my user control panel. I know you can receive notifications on posts you've already made but I'm talking about just generally. New topic or new discussion on the casablanca forum notification.
Chris Crawford
Travel 2, running Bogart 12, All software
Karat with Bogart 10.3 , Arabesk 7
S-4000 Pro with Bogart 5.5c, Render Booster, most software
Panasonic AG-AC 160, Sony NEX-VG900, Sony NXCAM - NX30U
Cannon XF-705
Posts: 1352
Joined: Tue Apr 27, 2010 5:06 am
Casablanca Unit: Casablanca-4 Saphir (i7-6700k)+ NVidia 1050T
StudioPro + NVidia 1050Ti
Casablanca-4 piccolo
Karat, S-4100, DVC-3000
Displays: 32" 1920x1080p50 + 40" 3840x2160p50
Location: S.H.I.E.L.D. Agency, Dietach, Austria, Europe

Re: Receiving notifications

Post by mhuebmer »

I use the Google Chrome plugin VisualPing ( ... clihhmmfcd). You can define a part of a website and how often the browser should check in the background. You will get a messagebox if the site has changes. That way you can track whatever webpage you want. Also this forum. ;)
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