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Casablanca Screen Staaays on forever

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 5:30 pm
by camdad67
Hello. I have a Renommee. It is STUCK on the Casablanca/Renommee screen. I can't move on to the next screen. It is a nice looking logo. But I want to do some editing on the machine. Is there a procedure to remedy this situation? Also I was having intermittent issues with the burner. Sometimes the writer would burn a DVD and sometimes not. Are these two problems related?

Re: Casablanca Screen Staaays on forever

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2016 4:57 pm
by sparks0335
Try this link viewtopic.php?f=14&t=2113


Re: Casablanca Screen Staaays on forever

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2016 2:05 am
by mhuebmer
Prestige and Renommee have different mainboards, settings and boot procedures.

If the Renommee won't boot up, try connecting a VGA PC monitor and check if there is any error message via VGA :!:

Current updates can only be installed at Renommee, if there is a PC monitor connected (or a Flat-TV via VGA). If the VGA is connected and there is no error message, try inserting a SmartEdit or Bogart (depending on Renommee or Renommee Ultra) Boot-DVD and power off/on the system.

If the DVD burner has died, it can also block the startup procedure. Or if there are bad sectors on the harddrive, booting may take up to 20 minutes.

Re: Casablanca Screen Staaays on forever

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2016 6:27 am
by camdad67
Thanks guys. I'll try these solutions and see what happens.

Re: Casablanca Screen Staaays on forever

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2016 4:11 pm
by camdad67
Boy do I have egg on my face! I found out the problem. It was me. Over the course of ownership, I had replaced the power supply, increased ram and replaced the battery. During one of my adventures into the abyss, I inadvertently loosened the bottom IDE cable. Eventually it fell off. This is probably why I had intermittent problems burning DVDs. Then finally, I had the Casablanca/Renommee screen that wouldn't go away. Everything is now up and running. Maybe it was a gremlin that loosened the cable. I heard reports of them running around.