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Arabesk 6.3g giving me trouble

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2016 9:05 pm
by Christopher6206
Hello! I filmed 2 soccer games and imported them into my Karat. Each in their own project. Both HD, Both shot at 1920x1080i. I've been trying to author discs in Arabesk 6.3g and the computer keeps crashing. I start in Arabesk, select my project, select my media and import the film. All good. I go to "Chapters" and click on every 5 minutes and that I want the chapters to be numbered. At this point the machine crashes. When it boots back up I try to go into Arabesk again, computer crashes again. Gives me a warning that if that happens again my project will be deleted from Arabesk. Go back to Arabesk, or try playing movie I'm trying to import, crash again. I try making disc for other game first and I have the exact same problem. So I delete Arabesk, re install it, and the same thing happens again, Crash!

Everything always works fine until I get to the part where i want to make the chapter points every 5 minutes and that they should be numbered and not the "Scene names". The cassie crashes and then it all starts over again. What could be going on here? I've gone through the storyboard of each project and it plays fine. Before importing these games there were no open projects as I had done a complete clean install last week.......

I just tried setting it up so there was no chapter menu, but as soon as I went to create the main menu, it crashed again. This doesn't make a lot of sense. I've made many discs with Arabesk 6. Suggestions?

Re: Arabesk 6.3g giving me trouble

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2016 9:57 pm
by Christopher6206
I just tried burning the disc after just importing it and making sure I was selected for Blu Ray (this is an HD project) without modifying the main or chapter menu. As soon as I click on Burn disc it crashed again. It seems Arabesk just doesn't like either of these projects. I've made discs from footage shot with this camera with the exact same settings and have never had a problem. What could be going on?

Re: Arabesk 6.3g giving me trouble

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2016 8:00 am
by bethklinger
Are you trying to create the disc through the project's story board? If you haven't already, try making a scene of the storyboard, clipboard it into a new project (with the same settings) (split it into "chapters" if you want here) then put it/them onto the new storyboard and go to arabesk. It may be having trouble creating those 5 minute chapters from the original SB.

Beth Klinger

Re: Arabesk 6.3g giving me trouble

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2016 1:08 pm
by BobC
I had the same problem on my S-6000 with 6.3g. I had to go back to an earlier version, 6.3f (I think). But I also am not using the latest OS, still on 5.something.

Re: Arabesk 6.3g giving me trouble

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2016 1:32 pm
by Christopher6206
Thanks for the replies. Beth I thought that was a good suggestion about creating a scene of the storyboard and putting it into a new project. I should have thought of that one my self. Anyway after doing that I had the same problem. I didn't troubleshoot all over again I just decided maybe if I converted the storyboard to 1080p that would work, since as I understand it Arabesk converts 1080i to 1080p during authoring and I was now removing that step from the process. And after all night render I put the new storyboard into Arabesk and it crashed again. I finally gave up and imported the footage into my S-4000 Pro. I moved my Render Booster stick from the Karat and created the disc in Arabesk 5. The film started to render and then stopped after 5min or so. I tried again and it did the same thing. I turned off the computer, went to bed, got up turned it back on and tried to burn again after double checking the menu settings. And Arabesk 5 made a nice looking BD-R of a 60 min soccer game in about 90 minutes.

Currently I'm converting HD footage to standard so I can make a standard DVD in Arabesk 6 on the Karat. I will post results. None of this is answering the question as to why this happening.

Re: Arabesk 6.3g giving me trouble

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2016 8:18 pm
by Christopher6206
Well some good news here. After converting the HD program to standard outside of Arabesk I then tried putting the SD project into Arabesk for authoring. Guess what happened? Crash!!! So I took your advice BobC and uninstalled Arabesk 6.3g and went back to 6.3e. After that everything went fine. made the standard disc. Now I've created another disc of another HD game and it is rendering away. Curious as to what they fixed with 6.3g? 6.3e works better. 6.3g used to work. I wonder what happened. Thanks BobC!