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Restore Storyboard
Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 3:18 am
by elliottsmith
I have saved my storyboard to disc,have made a demo disc,deleted altered the storyboard, and now want to restore the original from the disc.
I have clicked on restore storyboard,Source CD/DVD,The title comes up,then,restore failed.
Any ideas
Dave Smith
Re: Restore Storyboard
Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 7:49 am
by bethklinger
Try to re-import the disc through Ksebara.
Beth Klinger
Re: Restore Storyboard
Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 10:05 am
by Christopher6206
Beth I thought Kserbara was only for importing already authored DVDs back into your storyboard? Not ideal but works in a pinch. Are you saying you can use it to re import back ups as well? I've not had much luck with older versions of Arabesk re importing any back up. I always get the same error, (re store failed!) The first thing I would try is moving the file on the disc to a USB and try to re store that way. There also might be other ways to import the file through USB other than re storing from the Project settings menu, but I'm not sure of the Krons specs.
Re: Restore Storyboard
Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 10:59 am
by bethklinger
I can't remember exactly what the Krons do either but I'm not sure they will read a "video" from a USB stick either (I know it will read photos). I remember that I used to be able to firewire video over from my PC.
Beth Klinger
Re: Restore Storyboard
Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 11:29 am
by bethklinger
I just did a test, and you're right about that Chris. I had forgotten that Backup/Restore was creating a data disc. However I just did a backup/restore with my Solitaire with V7 and it worked flawlessly. Are you sure it's written on the DVD? Did you try to restore it into a NEW project?
Beth Klinger
Re: Restore Storyboard
Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 6:48 pm
by Christopher6206
Beth, Dave is the one actually having the problem. I guess I miss typed. I've had problems re storing authored discs in Arabesk. But only since we switched to Bogart. Arabesk 6 seems to be more reliable. But when I had a Solitaire I was able to re import discs for additional burning.
Re: Restore Storyboard
Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2016 2:14 am
by elliottsmith
Thanks for the info I am now off to try what has been suggested,will come back with the results.
Dave Smith
Re: Restore Storyboard
Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2016 3:02 am
by elliottsmith
I have tried the solutions offered with no success.
I have checked on youtube and should be able to reload the storyboard from Ksebara but I cannot find it on my kron.
I am using smartedit 7/8 with Arabesk 4.Should this be in the hardware installed on the machine.
I have recorded all the film, 59 minutes of it,is this the problem.
Any help would be grateful.
Re: Restore Storyboard
Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2016 8:15 am
by CKNewman
You wrote
I have saved my storyboard to disc,have made a demo disc
Could you be very specific about which program(s) you used to perform each of the tasks above? Do you mean that you've burned two different DVDs, each containing the full project? Was your "demo disc" authored with Arabesk, complete with menu? Are you using the Kron's internal DVD burner?
Re: Restore Storyboard
Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2016 12:47 pm
by bethklinger
Dave, are you saying you no longer have that project on the Kron? Have you actually created a DVD in Arabesk of the project? On the data disc, the one that you say you saved the storyboard to, can you tell if it's actually been burned onto that disc? Do you have the original footage? It's sounding more and more like you need to do a full, destructive, install of the system. Sorry.
Beth Klinger