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New Footage Missing from Scene Bin on Karat

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2017 5:06 pm
by mvpfrank
I just got a Karat with Bogart 5.5c and imported two Hi-8 30 min videos via the S-VHS input. I saw them recording but they never showed up in the scene bin. I do see they are sitting the HD showing 5% used. I did test import a few short videos from flash drive & it worked fine. I then read a few posts here that had similar issues that suggested to completely disconnect power to the unit overnight. I did that and imported two 5 min videos the same way the following morning and that footage did appear in the scene bin.

While it's not a big deal to reload the two 30 minute segments I was curious to know how I can get the footage on the HD to the scene bin in case this ever happens again.

Re: New Footage Missing from Scene Bin on Karat

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 2:48 am
by MichaelD
I'm not sure where your footage went the first time around but a Bogart machine will normally show 5% full when it's empty.

Re: New Footage Missing from Scene Bin on Karat

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 6:53 am
by mvpfrank
Thank you for your reply! Your tip on the fact the Karat when empty shows 5% on the HD. I don't think I will ever figure out what happened to my original footage. Again I really appreciate the info! :D

Re: New Footage Missing from Scene Bin on Karat

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 4:27 pm
by LouBruno
Just a thought as I have observed this with analog importation:

Analog has to be converted to our OS as you are dealing with DV25 to the proprietary codec used in the scene bin.

If the rendering process is incomplete or rendering stopped prematurely, nothing will appear. Also, the RAM becomes overloaded thus the reason for shutting and unplugging the unit to "drain" the units RAM memory. Cache clearance.