YouTube Options

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YouTube Options

Post by ShadowVision »

I have to say that this new Bogart is very exciting guys!

I'm having a little trouble though getting the machine to recognize memory cards and harddrives. For example, I have a 9 minute piece that I cut as a test that I wanted to convert to the YouTube option and then upload it to the Tube. Well, I haven't been able to do that to an external harddrive or memory card using a Lacie, MyBook, or the SD card reader I use with my AVIO.

I've yet to just try putting it on a dvd or cd but that seems a little unnecessary. Can't I just save the YouTube version to the S4000Pro's harddrive? Seems like that would be the most sensible way to go.

So far I've been able to restore a HDV project (storyboard only) to the machine through the media managers archives. This was very slow, but the restore was perfect as far as I can tell.

I have another issue with Ksebara and sound, but I'll search our board for answers first before posing that one.

Putting the Youtube version of my storyboard on dvd now and it appears to be working.
Jonathan W. Hickman
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Re: YouTube Options

Post by Jeanton »

Hi Shadowvision

There is a manual out for the bogart V2 have a look at the official news from ched.
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Re: YouTube Options

Post by ShadowVision »

Okay, I burned a dvd in the YouTube version from media manager and then uploaded it to YouTube and the video was cropped and there was no audio. I made it a private view as a test. Seems like I must have made a mistake.

I gotta tell you the "no audio" problem is what I'm having with ksebara. I need to figure what I'm doing wrong here.

I'm starting this YouTube channel with my daughter that will knock you guys out. She's a very fun 4 and a half year old. I've shot her with an HC9 attached to a Letus lens adapter with 35mm lenses and lots of light. She's a total hoot.

I plan on launching a series called "Layla on Life." I've purchased the domain as well and plan on marketing it as "LOL." Of course, it is all for fun. But I so want to figure out the YouTube setting so that I can do this series. My daughter is a chess player guys, so, watch out for her insights!

I'm going to tweak a few things and upload again.
Jonathan W. Hickman
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Re: YouTube Options

Post by PaulBusta »

Hey Jon, atleast you can use V2. I can't activate mine because it says that I've "entered the wrong code". I'm dead in the water till Boulder opens on Monday. :x
Paul Busta

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S4000Pro & Bogart V2.1e OS with much software.
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Re: YouTube Options

Post by ShadowVision »

There are all kinds of ways I've used over the last 2 plus years to move my AVIO projects to YouTube. This one is a bridge and I have faith that it will work with sound soon. I'm wondering if the aspect issue is a YouTube thing? It isn't cropped, rather, it appears squeezed. But the image is good and the upload fast (I loaded 9 minutes fairly quickly).

I intend to play with it today and see if I'm missing something. Will keep folks in the know as my experiments continue.
Jonathan W. Hickman
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Re: YouTube Options

Post by MichaelD »

I tried it a little while ago - all went fine;

I must admit that the same file played on an I-Pod is of outstanding clarity so the conversion process at the YouTube end does affect the viewable result. It's nice to note that YouTube now have a High Quality option when viewing films - but only recently added ones.

I find the Bogart DIVX output options better for quality and it appears that YouTube doesn't mess about with it so much either.
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Re: YouTube Options

Post by ShadowVision »

Well, I’m so befuddled. Nothing I do will export from Media Manager with sound. I’ve managed to get a usb to mount but I have to try to mount it several times before it will connect.

The video I’m able to put on usb or dvd from media manager looks fine. The YouTube setting squeezes everything to 4:3 so I’ve tried other compression formats that accommodate 16:9. Again the video works fine, but there is no sound.

Here’s a mystery: one of the PC compression formats produced about two or three seconds of sound then nothing.

Also, when I do load something to usb, I can’t read it later in the Media Manager player. There must be a setting I’m missing.
Jonathan W. Hickman
Author of THE TASTER
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Re: YouTube Options

Post by MichaelD »

I suppose that there must be something 'missing'. As you can see my effort not only has sound but is in 16:9 too (as it was from an HD project). The fact that you can't read/play it back also adds to the mystery.

Can you stick it into a computer to try and see what's there. I think that the manual is now available on the MSUS web site and so a flick through that might be in order?
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Re: YouTube Options

Post by TimKennelly »

I have found sometimes a repeatable glitch is a sign of a corrupted install.

Yes, I know, big pain in the . . . to do a full, destructive install as you not only have to Activate all the software again, but also put in all those irritating activation codes each time. :x

Still, it's a solution.

I was finding none of my Sony cams would accept a HDV signal out for export after an upgrading twice so I bit the bulllet and did the full, destructive and shazaam, all my cams now accept the HDV export signal.

Might be the same for your no audio issue.
My mom always told me that happiness was the key to life.
At school they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up.
I said “happy" and they told me I didn’t understand the question.
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Tim Kennelly
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Re: YouTube Options

Post by ShadowVision »

Yes, that is what I'm going to do tomorrow if I have to. If fact, I'm planning on it.

I've had a number of problems: (1) no sound on ksebara rips; (2) no sound on any compression for YouTube or others in MM; (3) lots of weird usb and firewire issues; and (4) no HDV export to my HC9 and 1000U.

I fear that a reinstall will be the only way. My original install was destructive on purpose because I wanted to clean the slate.
Jonathan W. Hickman
Author of THE TASTER
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