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Raw footage not looking good

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2018 8:17 pm
by Christopher6206
Hello! My Karat which was running Bogart 6.1 has now been upgraded to Bogart 10. Yea! I needed to be able to import footage shot at 60p without it down converting it to 30p. Since I purchased the Karat I have had issues with raw footage looking a bit jittery at times. I eventually got used to it. Finished videos always looked great anyways. So I just finished importing my first 1920 x 1080 60P footage into the machine with Bogart 10 and it looks terrible. The jittering is there but it is much worse. Best way to describe it is that it seems like something somewhere in the video chain is too slow to keep up with the data rate of this raw footage. Is it the Karat? The monitor? (tried a different monitor same result), the HDMI cable? (Monitor is hooked up via direct HDMI from the Karat) Is there a setting I'm missing? Thanks for any help.

Re: Raw footage not looking good

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 1:26 am
by mhuebmer
The Casablanca-3 was not built for Full-HD progressive video. :? The MacroSystem Digital Video AG Germany never offered the 1920x1080p50/p60 project-setting. After the company closed and development was taken over by the MacroMotion GmbH, the Casablanca-4 systems running Bogart Windows came in 2015 and they were/are fast enough for even UHD 50p/60p.

Since many Casablanca-3 users did not have the budget to move to a Casablanca-4, the 1920x1080p50/p60 project format was built into Bogart 7.1 for Casablanca-3, with the note that those old systems are not fast enough to play it smoothly. But export is still perfect, so it was a solution for many customers with a small budget.

If you need smooth Full-HD progressive playback, you will have to take the step to a Casablanca-4 system, with much more playback power. :P Better talk about this with your local reseller, because needed addon software needs to be licensed for Windows again (with 50% discount).