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new tutorial DVD's

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 9:25 am
by videojim
In looking at the tutorial DVD's, I notice that some are made with older OS's and don't have all the onscreen options that I have with OS7. Is there a plan to produce more recent versions in sync with and reflecting newer options made available since the DVD was originally made? For instance, in DVD #4 in 3D Titles, the program option is picked from the main body of choices. Not so on my Renomee. I found it in a bottom menu, not on the main list of options. This is the menu at the left bottom, that has "default" as its main pick.

Re: new tutorial DVD's

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 12:20 pm
by CasablancaExpert
Hello Jim,

I believe you are asking about the screen/interface layout differences between the older OS that was current when those titles were produced. I do not believe there are plans to re-produce those titles as the content remains the same , it's just that the button is in a different spot on your menu screen.

I am in the process of producing a series of new Tutorial DVDs that will be shot with the contemporary menus. I will announce when these become available.
