Bogart 3.6c Released!!

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Joined: Thu Aug 21, 2008 11:34 am
Casablanca Unit: Bogart

Bogart 3.6c Released!!

Post by Operations »

Bogart 3.6c is now released.

The 3.6c is now a universal version for all models of Bogart (S4000, S4000 Pro, S2000, S4100, S3000, and S6000's).

Fixes include: (full listing on Release Notes)

-Random drop frames when using DV input reduced with use of new easy workable solution (see release notes).

-Down converts from HD to SD with the clipboard and Arabesk have had some quality improvements.

-The display issue where the pause button was needed to re-sync audio on longer storyboard playbacks has been resolved. (S3000/S6000's)

-F4 key now ejects the DVD tray on the Bogart side.

Click Here to download the software and full Release Notes.

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