McNally's Plug and Play Takes Over

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Casablanca Unit: Bogart

McNally's Plug and Play Takes Over

Post by Operations »

We're excited to announce that Gary McNally of McNally's Plug and Play is going to be taking the reins of the MacroSystem line of products in the Americas. Just as in Germany, where the largest Casablanca dealer became the new distributor, we've found the right company to take the Casablanca forward here in North and South America.

You might wonder why we're making this transition. Part of the answer has to do with passion – Gary has it in spades for this business, this industry. This also answers the question of 'Why Gary?' as he's been our largest dealer for quite some time. And as the company who took over our 'Casablanca Classic' business all those years ago, McNally's knows the product, the customer, and the industry. He and his team have deep experience in the industry. I'm a guy who just wanted to edit home video of my kids. Gary was out there doing exactly what you do on a daily basis.

The Karat and Topaz continue as the premiere Casablanca models. After years of work, these two models remain our most reliable, powerful, and easy-to-use Casablanca units ever. And with the imminent release of Bogart for Windows, there is plenty of excitement for what the future holds.

The Bogart Editing software remains the easiest tool to learn, use, and earn with. Time is money, and when you can edit a complete wedding in a day, when it takes your competitor 2 to 4 days, the choice is clear. As MacroSystem enters the PC editing marketplace, Windows users will thrill to the ease of Bogart, and gladly embrace the simplicity and power of an intuitive editing suite of tools.

Gary will continue to distribute and service the older models of Casablanca, the current models, and the future models. We are happy to report the current Casablanca dealer network remains in place, so users will be able to continue to rely on their established relationships.

Gary’s passion for Casablanca will lead to all manner of exciting new ideas, as well as some tried and true revivals from our past.  The development team in Germany is similarly enthused as they are investing significant amounts of money into software and hardware improvements.  We’re excited to have you experience just how fast you can edit by just touching your screen!  And now let me turn it over to Gary:

Hello Cassie Cult Members,

I am very excited to take the reins during a very exciting time as we go mainstream on the Windows Platform. You Mac users out there may not be far behind, but more testing is required on that platform.

Although I have been a MacroSystem dealer all the way back to the Draco days, you may still not know me. At the 1997 NAB I became a MacroSystem dealer, and bought my first demo Cassie Classic from Eric after the show closed. I had produced about 400 TV Shows with analog tape before going with the Sony VX 1000 cameras and a Classic. The DV board was $1700, and the 4gb Hard Drive another 2K.

If you would like to find out more about me and MacroSystem, I will be on a Live Streaming interview with Chet Davis this Saturday, March 15, at 7:30 AM PST. After the chat we will open it up to audience questions. More information can be found at Chet’s site a few hours after this announcement:

Also Jorg Sprave, one of the founders of our company, will be making a presentation at the MGT reunion near Chicago at a lakeside resort in mid-April. Jorg is preparing a video, and then after that he will answer questions from Germany via Skype. Plus he will be giving away 2 copies of Bogart for Windows Gold (at least a $500 value each and you must be present to win). The organizers of the MGT have assembled a fantastic few days of learning and networking with colleagues. Here are all the details, but please make your reservation this week as the Hotel cost goes from $75 to $125 a night: ... ation.html

This toll free number will remain intact (877) 554-2846, and this new one starting Friday (360) 371-4942. You can also reach me at Please be patient during the first couple of weeks as the systems and new offices need to be setup.

Gary McNally
MacroSystem Americas
4282 Arnie Rd.
Blaine, WA 98230

1 (877) 554-2846

Thanks, as always, for your continued support.

all the best | your MSUS team

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