Bogart 8 and Arabesk 7 for Standalones Released!

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Posts: 1108
Joined: Tue Apr 01, 2008 2:27 pm
Casablanca Unit: Casablanca 4 Studio Pro, Studio, Touch, Travel 2, Sapphire, Ultra, TV Studio 2, Portable TV Studio, and Titanium TV Studio. Bogart 10 Windows Desktops - Laptop -Tablet - Karat - S-6000 - S4100- Dell XPS 8930 with Intel i7-9700 CPU, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 GPU, and 16Mb RAM. JVC GY-HD100U - JVC BR-HD50U - CANON HV20 - SONY AX33 4K
Location: Blaine, WA

Bogart 8 and Arabesk 7 for Standalones Released!

Post by garymcnally »

Hello Cassie Cultists,

This may be our last newsletter this year, so we want to wish you and your family the best Holiday Season ever! I cannot think of a better time of year, and it could not be coming at a better time!!

Our last day of operation this year is December 21, one month away. We will reopen January 9th, 2017. If you need to take delivery of Casablanca 4 Studio this year for a Tax write-off, we recommend giving the order to your dealer by December 14. If you don’t have a dealer, here are our Casablanca Video Production Experts, who use our products daily and know them well:

We are thankful to have taken the reins of MacroSystem US at a very good time. We sold about 100 Karats, which was the last Generation 3 machine made, and the most reliable. These sales were made 2 to 3 years ago, and so far, only 2 have been back to the shop for repair. One needed a hard drive, and the other a Blu-ray drive; which were parts we did not even make. I thought it couldn’t get any better than this, but I was wrong.

We have sold about 100 Casablanca 4 Studios, Studio Pros, and Studio Pro Ultras in 17 months, and so far, none of them have returned for service. We did have two that got corrupted by a virus, but no hardware or software failure was involved.

Not only is the reliability off the charts, but so is productivity. This is because of the new state of the art hardware, and the streamlining of the Bogart 8 and Arabesk 7 software. Dealers and Beta Testers who went from the fastest Gen 3 Karat, to the fastest Casablanca 4 (Gen 4) Pro Ultra are reporting a 50% improvement in project time, and the Studio Pro is not far behind.

When you can do a project twice as fast, you either have more time, more money, or more of both. It does not take much time to pay for new equipment. Particularly if you lease it for $200 to $400 per month for 2 or 3 years. Two payments down, and you will have the speed advantage over your competitors. Again, contact your dealer for more leasing information.

The Casablanca 4 line is now priced lower than ever before through the last day of Fall, December 20th. The Studio Pro has $1500 of hardware and software savings, and is the best bang for your buck. It will even edit 4K, and has a 4K Monitor output. Here are the details for all the Gen 4 Casablancas, which comprise the Fall Sale:

On Monday, November 21, we are releasing 2 major products for the Standalones (Generation 3 units): Bogart 8 and Arabesk 7. Even better, they are both 20% OFF until December 20th. Bogart 8 will capture 4K on the Gen 3 machines, but it transcodes it to 2K, because the Gen 3 hardware is not fast enough to edit 4K. Of course, the Gen 4 Casablanca 4 Studios all edit and display 4K. Here is more information about both new Gen 3 products. If you have any questions or want to order, call your dealer: ... alones.php

On Wednesday November 30th, the 20% OFF Bogart 8 and Arabesk 7 for WINDOWS Sale ends. It started November 1. To get the 20% OFF, you will need to purchase by November 30, 2016 (there are no exceptions).:

For those who want to put the above software on their own PC from this decade, we made a short video. But first, if you are shooting and editing 2K or 4K, you are going to want at least an Intel i7 6700 GHz processor with Intel Video Sync (all Gen 4s have this). Also 16 or 32 Gb DDR 4 Ram would be good, or great. Of course, if this is just a hobby, and rendering and transcoding time is not a factor, you can get by with just about any Intel i3, i5, or i7 (with Quick Sync Video). You can download it and try it for 30-days before you buy it; so, make sure it works for you first. It will only run Bogart 6 Bronze, which is a $60 program (so don’t expect much). But you can still capture and play footage, and if this works for you, get the Serial Number from the Settings Menu, and call your Dealer for a License Number for a better version. Bogart 8 Gold for Windows is the best, and where most people end up. Until the end of November it is only $239. On December 1, it becomes $299, so hurry! Anyway, here is the download and install video with a few extras tips: ... _Video.php

The Casablanca Virtual Conference took place all day Saturday, November 5th. It was a great event with some great guests talking about our beloved Casablanca, Drones, Cameras, and 4K. Chet Davis, the Casablanca Expert was the host, the co-host was Gary McNally, and the inventor of the Casablanca, Jorg Sprave, was the first guest. He is now a You Tube star with his Slingshot Channel. He talks about many different revenue streams possible if you are thinking of going that way. He also spoke about 360 degree cameras. This is kind of virtual reality, where you put on the headset and when you move your head you see whatever direction you turn your head. Michael Hubmer talked about the S button and his favorite features of Bogart 8. Chet also covered Bogart 8 and Arabesk 7. Ken Smithers covered Drones in depth, and he is getting his pilots license. Lou Bruno covered 4K cameras in depth, video, frame grabs, players, codecs, and the best way to enjoy your own 4K video on your 4K TV.

For those of you that registered for this event, you already received your link in an email from Chet Saturday. But for those who did not register, Chet was kind enough to supply our VARs with a few access codes to give out for free:

Happy Thanksgiving!

Gary McNally

MacroSystem Americas

4282 ARNIE RD.

BLAINE, WA 98230
Gary McNally

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