Bogart 10 for the Standalones released!

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Location: Blaine, WA

Bogart 10 for the Standalones released!

Post by garymcnally »

Greetings from Macrosystem!

We hope you have survived the winter and are ready to gear up for the upcoming summer video editing season.

We have been busy this winter with many new software programs. This week we just released Bogart 10 for the standalone systems:

A couple of weeks ago we received a $50,000 shipment of Casablanca 4's from Germany, so we are stocked up and ready to ship turnkey video edit systems that plug, play, and edit right out of the box. We load them up with training videos and include Chet’s Bogart 10 Bonanza classes free with purchase: ... ystems.php

And of course, Bogart 10 for Windows and a number of other programs released in February. We have a fully functional demo program you can download and try for free. We know you will love it and want to unlock the paid features starting at $89. This is the same easy to use GUI you are used to. It downloads and installs in a few minutes: ... _Linux.php

Have a great Easter!

Happy Easter!
Gary McNally
Gary McNally

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