Arabesk 5.4c/Bogart Installation Considerations

Disc authoring in your Casablanca
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Arabesk 5.4c/Bogart Installation Considerations

Post by garymcnally »

For those who want to fearlessly upgrade or update your Bogart Operating System to Bogart 4.5c, so you can run the new Arabesk 5.4c BluRay or DVD Disc authoring SW, with chapter and menu creation; important SW to consider is the Bogart Hard Drive Back Up Software for $69. If you don't have Bogart Hard Drive Back-up SW, it is only $48 on the Club Casablanca sale that ends in June 2012. Not only does it save you from ever losing a hard drive and all the projects, but it also helps with the Bogart operating system installation. It also includes Galileo which backs up all your Media Manager Media:
The best way to load Bogart is as an install, not an update. An update saves the projects, but is just temporary until you can afford to do a full install, which erases all projects. Bogart HD BU SW allows you to copy your entire internal hard drive to an external drive. Then after you do the full install, with a couple of clicks you can restore all your projects from the external HD to the internal HD, just as they were before. Also after a big day of editing, when you are leaving for the evening, you can do a backup and sleep easier at night. You can even set the machine to shut down automatically after it is done.

Also before doing a full destructive install, I recommend backing up a couple of other things: With your USB hard drive or thumb drive attached, go into SETTINGS, select ARCHIVE, select BACKUP. If you have more than 1 USB storage device attached, you will need to select the one you want. After the full install, select RESTORE to reinstall the archive.

Also go into INSTALL PRODUCT in the SETTINGS menu, click on the USB symbol, and click EXPORT. If you have more than 1 USB storage device attached, you will need to select the one you want. This will save all your software license codes so you don't have to enter them again. After the install return to the same USB symbol, and this time select IMPORT. Do this first after the destructive full Bogart 4.5c install, and you won't have to type any SW codes except Arabesk 5. I would EXPORT your codes to about every USB thumb drive you have laying around. The really small file gives you redundancy, and ease of access when wondering what drive it is on.
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Re: Arabesk 5.4c/Bogart Installation Considerations

Post by MichaelD »

Or you can use Store 'n' Share and keep your internal drive empty.

Not as cheap as HD BU SW but also allows use of several drives thus spreading the risk in future.
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