Kalart Victor 16mm projector

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Kalart Victor 16mm projector

Post by videojim »

Just got an old 16mm projector from a relative today, and wonder where the best place is to hock it? Relative said he saw em on Ebay running $750-800. I looked for one there, and didn't see half that. Ideas?
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Re: Kalart Victor 16mm projector

Post by BobFoster »

Most projectors from the closet or attic are in severe need of cleaning, lubricating of everything and new belts. The more desirable models have been updated to a 5 blade shutter for use in transferring film to DVD etc. Also, there is a lot of supply for the amount of demand hence the lower price. Ebay is probably the only viable location for selling one. The high cost of shipping combined with the cost of the projector limits the amount someone is willing to pay for the package. My guess is that if you could get $250, grab it. :)
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