Hello Casablanca Users,
Yes we are indeed happy to announce that Justin Philpott will be at the MGT this year. He has agreed to come and Eric has agreed to allow him out of Boulder for a couple of days. He has so many jobs at MSUS it's hard to let him out of there for too long at a time. The 2011 MGT can be a short vacation for Justin. So be sure to make him welcome and allow his two days with us to be a fun time for him.
Please make plans to attend the 7th Annual March Get Together next month and get a chance to meet Justin in person. Not only that, but we have tons of exciting and valuable programs and demonstrations so you'll learn a great deal about operating your Cassie. There are programs to help you improve your services to your clients and for your fun with editing as a hobbyist as well.
We are opening the MGT up a little this year by adding a lot of programs that will be of interest to all video people no matter what they edit with or what format they prefer. If you are involved with video in any way.....you'll gain a lot of new knowledge and insight at the 7th Annual MGT. Talk it up with your fellow Video friends in your area and invite them to come too. even if they edit with a PC or a Mac.....there are many things for them at the MGT as well.
There will be a
"Video Yardsale and Trade Event" so that you can show off and sell or trade your equipment that you aren't using any longer. For the folks who have moved up to HD editing, this is a way to move some of your goodies that you don't need anymore and give a chance to folks who have not made the jump to HD an opportunity to improve their equipment as well.
Another benefit of the "Yardsale" at the MGT is that you can, if you are inclined, mark your items as a donation to the MGT. This will be even more important when the time to decide about continuing the MGT in the future comes. Because of no financial help from either MSUS or Germany this year and last year, donations to the MGT and the number of folks who attend this year, will have a great bearing on the way this decision is made about next year.
So, please come for both reasons. First to meet and greet Justin, and secondly to help support this event that has aways been put on by users for users. It'll be again .....the Family of friends helping each other out.....as the MGT has always been.
Here's Justin.