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Drop Outs & Pixelization

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 6:59 pm
by MarkHendrix
I apologize in advance...all I know about CB Paint is what I've read in the PDF file. I understand that CB Paint can do an amazing amount of things and it would be great to own it but right now I'm just looking to fill in some pretty serious drop outs on some footage I would love to use. I've read and also been told on the forum that you can use Akaba to fill in drop outs but it is a painstaking process one frame at a time...I was wondering if CB paint could do the same only better.

Thanks for your help,

Re: Drop Outs & Pixelization

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 5:27 am
by ChrisStone
CB Paint will always be preferable to use over Akaba. If the pixelation is over a non moving background then you can simply make a brush (mask) of the background and then apply it over the pixelated part. If the pixelation is on a moving background or subject then you would have to paint over the pixelation frame by frame but it will be much faster and look much better than Akaba.

Re: Drop Outs & Pixelization

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 7:19 am
by MarkHendrix
Thanks for the reply...I will check it out.

Re: Drop Outs & Pixelization

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 8:05 am
by Volker
With CBPaint 2, you will have a tool called "healing tracker"...
This can be used to copy portions of one part of your image to another using a blend/smear/magic mode.
This can be automatically applied to a whole sequence.
But to be honest, performing this is not as easy as the other Smart Edit programs are...

Re: Drop Outs & Pixelization

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 10:49 am
by LouBruno
The healing tracker as Volker pointed out is the proper way to eliminate a dropout or dead pixel. The set-up can be tedious if the area surrounding the blemish is "busy." The nice part is the program actually moves along with the blemish. Another way is frame by frame with the panto tool located in the left dropdown menu by the tools. There is also a healing tool as well which differs from the healing tracker. Again...frame by frame.