BB Camaraderie

For all those great, but off-Casablanca-editing, topics
Posts: 318
Joined: Wed Mar 26, 2008 4:45 am
Casablanca Unit: Studio Pro OS B4W V9
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BB Camaraderie

Post by IanPearson »

Dear MSUS BB Members

MSUS have provided us with the great site, in which all Casablanca users can freely ask, reply or generally contribute in all matters of video recording and editing. This service, originally set up some 10 years or more ago, has quite rightly been billed as the friendliest place on the web, in which all genuine users are made welcome and where possible given answers to their issues.

Whilst this site is US based, many members are from other countries, which in my opinion has greatly added to the general learning process and editing experience. Some members have greater technical expertise, artistic flare, or editing skills. Others are mainly users or just general participants, but practically all have contributed in a positive and proactive manner. Another great feature has been the camaraderie between members, yes we have occasionally had differences of opinion and some are more jocular than others, but on the whole, there has always been this feeling of friendship.

With the ever increasing expansion in technology, product ranges and regional differences, there is bound to be an ever widening gap between users, some still using an Avio and others now the S4000 range. However, we are all basically looking for the same thing, how best to deliver the final product, be it a professional or amateur production.

With the above mentioned technology expansion, coupled with the necessary move from the old BB site to this new one, my perception is that a little of the sole has been lost, with some of the past regular contributors, although registered onto this new site, seem to no longer participate.

One of the major factors in promoting this friendly feeling, is the use of real names or genuine pseudonyms, where individuals are located and some hardware/software details. This not only adds to the relationship issues, but provides others with a starting point when answering or suggesting possible technical solutions.

I know the new site does not provide the same space in the “User control panel – Profile” section, but the addition of the location, some hardware / software detail and in particular the inclusion of a real or known name, will be a good start in rebuilding the camaraderie.

As a Britt guest on a US site, I know I have no right to expect anything, but I have very much enjoyed this company and would hate to loose what I consider as an extended family.

If I am out of line here, then please tell me to shut up. Mind, that has never stopped me in the past. :roll:

Last edited by IanPearson on Sat Jun 14, 2008 4:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Ian Pearson S6000 Bogart SE7 - Solitaire OS V9.1 - Avio DV Pro OS V9.1
Programs:- Most programs, with the notable exception of CB Paint and Quadcam
Kingston upon Hull. England
Posts: 243
Joined: Mon Mar 31, 2008 1:10 pm
Casablanca Unit: S6000 Effects 1,2,3,5,7,8 Blue Box World,
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Location: Cumbria UK

Re: BB Camaraderie

Post by Charles »

Hi Ian
I agree in some ways that there is not the same "feel" about this board so far.Could be due to members finding there way around,busy etc.Beachy is way down on his humour postings,mind you he did ask for my address back on the old forum for a Film Fest set and here am i thinking about the next one and no word from him.

In general i think it could just be a quite time as the UK & USA list is quite as is the OZ forum.

Once the new models and upgrades are out in numbers i feel things will liven up. :D
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Re: BB Camaraderie

Post by TomHajewski »

First of all, Ian, you are not a "Britt guest" on this site. You are one of the most helpful and considerate members we have! Your comments are always well-thought out and detailed so we know exactly what you are saying. In addition, you, Martyn, Beachy, Charles, our friends in Germany and all the others add a lot of personality and character to this forum. I would prefer to think of this as an international BB, not a U.S. BB.

I agree with you that many new members do not identify themselves adequately. When prompted, most do go to their profiles and add the requested information. I get the sense a lot of new members are former lurkers who don't register until they've incurred a problem and are seeking help. That gives signing on a greater sense of urgency. Of course, all Casablanca users are most welcome here, any time and under any conditions.! It does amaze me, though, when someone asks for help without telling us what version of Smart Edit or which machine they are using.

Maybe the best we can do is to just keep reminding everyone that the profile information is very useful in getting the problems resolved quickly. Without it, we have to go back and forth an extra time or two to understand the problem and, then, the potential solution.
Tom Hajewski
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Re: BB Camaraderie

Post by jimmeeker »

Hello Ian,

As usual, my friend, you have identified a problem that is very subtle in nature and growing more obvious as the days go by. I too, believe that there is a very real difference in the new forum as compared to the old version. You have mentioned many of the previous regulars seem to be hiding in the tall grass and are not posting. You also mentioned the need for new members to understand the importance of filling in their profile information fully...including City and State, Province and country and above all to use REAL NAMES and not internet handles. I could not agree more with all that you have said.

Going back nearly a decade, I coined the phrase: "The Friendliest Place On The Web". I couldn't wait to get on line to read the forum messages each night. There were so many questions from folks who needed was wonderful to be able to give everyone the answers they needed in order to solve their problem. Helping out without arguing..... makes you feel valuable and good about yourself. Then there is learning from others as well. There is always someone out there who has done something in a different way that you may have never thought of. These fresh new ideas are invaluable to all of us.

By creating and keeping the family atmosphere, we were encouraging new folks to join in and not feel overwhelmed by technology and afraid to ask questions. The friendly atmosphere here is what sets us apart from almost all other forums where people flame each other and insult someone for trying to be helpful or someone asking a simple question for which they need an answer. We must continue with this idea of helping all who ask and make certain that no one is belittled for asking a question or yelled at for adding some spontaneous comment in order to have fun with an answer.

The other main feature of this forum is that it is enjoyable. It is fun to read the questions and answers and even more enjoyable when we tease each other and poke fun at each other. This light hearted atmosphere is a great quality to have. Being able to enjoy each other and have a little chuckle from time to time, is a blessing and it will hopefully continue and even increase. The technical stuff can be really dull and boring if that's all there is to life. A sprinkle of lighthearted fun mixed in with the Software and hardward issues that are weighing heavily on our members' minds, can keep us all sane when we have hard drives dying, scenes missing, audio that dissappears and a deadline approaching. It indeed is the adhesive that holds the forum together.

To all the new members of the forum, you may have a hard time at first understanding the Humor from our friends on the other side of the pond, but after a while, it starts to make sense. You will soon look forward to reading all the posts from our only resident Royalty.....Sir John Sherrington.

He is the proud owner of a very productive steam powered "Aviosaurous". I for one, love to hear what he thinks about everything that is going on here and in the world.

He even posts videos for us to see what he is up to. His Steam Powered "Aviosaurous" does a great job of editing his video for him. Actually, it's really John himself who is doing the editing and he keeps track of all his work on stone tablets.

Just to confuse the world even more, he is one of the few who have earned the right to use a "handle" on the forum. He is called "Beachy" by his friends, and we on the MacroSystemUS forum are proud to call him by that name.

So please fill in your taglines with your real names, City and State, Province and Country. And please accept our light hearted humor and add some of your own once in a while. It'll make everyone tell the world, that this really is: "The Friendliest Place on the Web.
Jim Meeker
The Old Timer

Founder of the
"March Get Together"

We Remember
12-7-41 and 9-11-01
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Re: BB Camaraderie

Post by PaulBusta »

When I first got on the internet about 7 years ago I was told by everyone never give out personal info on any forum that I joined to safeguard my identity. But when I found the Casablanca forum I saw that everyone was posting their real names and other real info so I was a little hesitant to say the least. So I can see why some of the new members don't want to use their real names, they may be worried about their online security or they simply may not want to join the family and are just looking for some info about the problem their having. But it would be very helpful if they did post the info about their machine and OS they are using so we could help them better.

Like any family we have our little spats but all-in-all this is the frendliest forum on the web and I do look forward to coming here every day to see what's cookin with everyone. I just wish I could be more helpful when members have problems.

That's my 2 cents worth. Sorry....the other 98 cents went to buying gas. :lol: :lol:
Paul Busta

P.A.B. Digital Video Productions
S4000Pro & Bogart V2.1e OS with much software.
Casablanca user since 1997.
Posts: 318
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Casablanca Unit: Studio Pro OS B4W V9
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Location: Kingston upon Hull England

Re: BB Camaraderie

Post by IanPearson »

First Tom, thanks for the compliment, it is very much appreciated. Also thanks to others that have replied to me privately and like Jim have also noticed a subtle change on the forum.

Some seem to think the change came about with introduction of the new site, but my perception is it was happening prior to this and the introduction of the new site just exacerbated the situation.

From those that have contacted me, both here and privately, all have similar feelings, in that this has been the most friendly and helpful site on the web and passionately want this to continue.

I am therefore confident that this site will with the help of all the members, continue to flourish in the spirit it has always operated and that we make all members welcome, encourage (but not insist) in the use of real names, location, etc and most importantly continue the friendly banter.

Ian Pearson S6000 Bogart SE7 - Solitaire OS V9.1 - Avio DV Pro OS V9.1
Programs:- Most programs, with the notable exception of CB Paint and Quadcam
Kingston upon Hull. England
Posts: 139
Joined: Mon Mar 31, 2008 3:33 pm
Casablanca Unit: Avio/DVD. Ver.9.1 candy factory, DVD Arabesk V4.1. Effects packs 5 6 7 8 particle magic,Pip-studio V1.0 and a Very, very old reliable, Avio 3.6c.
Cameras.CannonXL1, Sony DCR-TVR950E, Sony DSR-PD150P
Location: Woking, Surrey, England

Re: BB Camaraderie

Post by Beachy »

Hello all, :D You didnt think I wouldnt have something to say about this topic did you? Yes as Ian says the old BB has changed, much more clinical now, It maybe that all the equipment has moved on so far from my old gear that I rarely go to the How to and tips page anymore, I have also noticed that any humourous aside I make now and then seems to annoy some of the techies! (I thought I was humourous!!!) :D Tim and Jim, and the rest of you, I consider as family, and I enjoy our little battles of words, Ian,Johnny K, Ron K, etc E mail me jokes on a regular basis, and I look forward to those. I also think it started before the change to the new format BB, I would like it to go way back to the days when you opened up, straight into a conversation without having to do what you have to now, and go to seperate rooms to keep up with whats happening! there isnt that much Traffic on the BB, I would like to see it all in one box! well I am willing to keep cracking away, as I would hate to see the BB die....come on you all, dont just pop in when you are in trouble, say hello now, we dont bite! (Most of us havent got teeth anymore anyway!) :D JOHN
AKA Lord Sherrington
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Re: BB Camaraderie

Post by Charles »

Beachy wrote:Hello all, :D You didnt think I wouldnt have something to say about this topic did you? JOHN
Not bad John only took you a week to reply :lol: so it's not only your legs that are getting slower,explains why it's taking you so long to send that cheque ;) However nice to see you found it at last,the page i mean not your cheque book ;)
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Re: BB Camaraderie

Post by HansJoachimKoenig »

Ian, thanks for posting your feelings hitting the nail and thanks to all other members trying to analize what happened.
For quite some time I feel the same and I think this phenomena started with the release of the new BB.
Some members post their problem and when they get help of others they don't even reply a simple "THANK YOU".
Hans-Joachim König
Berlin / Germany
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Re: BB Camaraderie

Post by chucke »

I like the BB being the old or new format. I check the bb board several times a day just to see what everybody is saying or having trouble with. I'm not much on writing so I very seldom respond on the help wanted topics. I learn a great deal from all of the information that is exchanged and I have been very lucky not to have many problems with my Renommee Plus. The few times that I have had a issue someone already had the problem and the answer had been given. I have noticed the lack of traffic but I thought, we, as a group are getting better in understanding our equipment and having less questions/time for chatting because we or editing. I enjoy reading the bb board and have received so much helpful information. I first started with an AVIO in Aug of 2000 and was member 101 on the first bb. There are many more knowledgeable folks on this board so I will let them handle the tough questions/answers and I will go back to reading. Thanks MacroSystems for having this forum because it is a great service to all who use it. 8-)
Chuck Eichmeyer
Marthasville MO

Renommee Plus w/Smart Edit 7.0 & 8.0
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