Quick survey about weddings

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Location: Sturgeon Bay, WI

Quick survey about weddings

Post by MikeMattke »

I am shooting my first wedding in about 15 years - a family member. I got a nice shot sheet from Bobbie Evoy but when I looked at websites for inspiration they all have wedding "highlights". I assume people give a copy of the actual ceremony yet? I want to edit together a nice highlight piece with slo-mo and effects but is this the only place you use effects? I was planning on doing the ceremony with Quad-Cam without effects. Am I out of touch, off-base, whacked out?
Mike Mattke
"Father of the Casablanca Cafe"
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Location: Statesboro, Georgia

Re: Quick survey about weddings

Post by BobC »

Mike, that is very much what I do. I use effects for the intro and highlights and not much else. Ceremony and Reception are pretty straight forward. Others may use a different style, but this is mine.
Bob Claxton
Heritage Video

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Re: Quick survey about weddings

Post by TimKennelly »


It depends on style and what you consider "effects".

Those that do short form tend to use some transitions to denote time passing that are not used in a normal "real time" edit, but other than that and "effects" such as Control Image, etc I don't think anyone actually uses "effects" in the ceremony footage portion.

The rest is open season for some editors.

Recaps, highlights, etc are where many editors let it all hang out in regards to effects.

My mom always told me that happiness was the key to life.
At school they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up.
I said “happy" and they told me I didn’t understand the question.
I told them they didn’t understand life.

Tim Kennelly
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