Getting Music from a Computer Application into Casablanca

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Re: Getting Music from a Computer Application into Casablanca

Post by TimKennelly »

Well Smart Sound certainly has some hard, fast stuff that will work for motorsports, but I agree Nightsong would not as theirs is geared more for wedding work.

Another that has high fidelity, actual instruments instead of all synthesized wannabe audio is Stock20, but as I don't shoot for motorsports I don't keep my ear out for that type of music so you would have to check their site.
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Tim Kennelly
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Re: Getting Music from a Computer Application into Casablanca

Post by flvideo »

Thanks guys, I think I am going to invest in some buy out music. I have been using music for years but it has been local and very limited. When I got into broadcasting I got caught. I still am using spritual music but we have a license for that. I have put several u-tube clips up but That was the first with music.
I did it to fill the gaps where I had graphic running. All my broadcast goes to the Phillipines and I guess the music police aren't too active there. Their broadcast rules are far less strict than ours. I provide motorsports video to several different venues but there is no music involved. Thanks Again. Bob...
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