Lauren & Kacey Wedding Highlights

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Lauren & Kacey Wedding Highlights

Post by JBrooks »

Here is another wedding highlights video I just finished posting.

Joel Brooks
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Re: Lauren & Kacey Wedding Highlights

Post by JohnKleban »

Hey Joel,

A bit different of a clip from what I usually see, but I thought it was nice and your framing and such are near flawless; nice job! A couple of nit-pick things for me, would be to scrap the Digital Hotcakes like opening book shot and the slightly over-the-top glare effects coming off the ring re-enactment - I also don't know if you caught it, but the shot coming down from the light fixture, had a quick nasty motion perfect glitch to it, as did a shot near the end of the clip. Finally, man, I don't know, I just struggle in my head with how rolling shutter handles flashes; but, I guess if the clients say nothing and love the entire productions, that's what counts.

Thanks for sharing, typical solid work nonetheless from you.

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Re: Lauren & Kacey Wedding Highlights

Post by TimKennelly »

Like John, I am not a fan of the canned graphics as I equate them to the 80's and 90's when I was still using them, but that might be a regional thing as the various graphic companies like Digital Hotcakes are still in business making money selling them so the market is obviously still there.

The MP morph at the light fixture is easily eliminated using the Chris Stone technique of mixing MP at Fast and Normal/High quality levels, but eliminating that would be more to satisfy us anal videographers as I doubt customers really care about such frame duration anomalies.

I have to agree with John about the ring dazzle being too over the top for me.

I don't have a problem with the rolling shutter flash look in real time, but really don't like the look in slow motion, but it is certainly a personal taste thing and another of those that bothers videogs far more (if not exclusively) than it bothers clients.

Once you have moved over to the S4100 you will be able to eliminate it using the Deflasher function in Twixtor if you want to as well as eliminate the MP morphing artifacts as Twixtor doesn't cause that.

Again, it is a taste issue, but I am going to make the same comment as I did on the other video that I think one hundred percent slow motion makes the video looked dated and mixing in some real time footage would spice up the highlights.

For instance, I see no reason to show a slow motion segment of the maid of honor putting the garter on the bride's leg with her fingers flexing back and forth in slow motion when I am sure you had equivalent duration footage of it in real time.

I think using real time on segments like that would improve the finished product for both us nitpicking seen it all over and over jaded videographers :D AND the clients.

If this sounded like a major critique it was not meant that way.

You are really good so I am giving my honest opinion on the few frames out of the seven thousand, two hundred or so frames that the video consisted of.

There were tons of great shots, interesting angles and great over all composition and I am sure the client will was thrilled with it.

Nice vid, thanks for sharing.
My mom always told me that happiness was the key to life.
At school they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up.
I said “happy" and they told me I didn’t understand the question.
I told them they didn’t understand life.

Tim Kennelly
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