Old video

For all those great, but off-Casablanca-editing, topics
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Posts: 618
Joined: Thu Jun 18, 2009 8:59 pm
Casablanca Unit: Bogart 6.1 for windows, Renommee, Avio pro, and a cassie classic
2 Sony PD170s, 2 panasonic dvx100s, 1 JVC DV300, 1 sony DCRhc42
1 panasonicpvGS120
Location: Myakka City, Fl. flvideo50@hotmail.com

Old video

Post by flvideo »

I shot this in 1994. It was a mess but no one was hurt. The video is not real good. It has lost its flavor on the bed post. It was shot with an old JVC tube camera. Single tube I might add. Bob...

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