Old Kron question

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Old Kron question

Post by johnneumann »

Hi Guys,

This question is pretty darned vague. I hope we've got at least one forum user that specializes in vague questions.

I posted a few weeks ago that I'm working on my first editing project in about two years. The old Kron has been in mothballs for some time. The last thing I remember doing two years ago was installing a new DVD burner and SE6. (I previously had SE4.)

It didn't occur to me that in installing the new operating system, that I would be erasing all my old software. So I've reinstalled Arabesk 2.3a just so I can burn the project. It just now burned, apparently successfully.

So I'm looking over my old list of MS software codes, some 30+ titles and code numbers ... all the usuals, spicerack, phototransfer, motion perfect, FX1-6 ... and I also see one called simply "DVD".

What is "DVD"? I just burned a DVD without installing it. And I have no recollection of using it in the past. I also don't find anything on it in the software section at MS online.

Any guesses what the mysterious DVD software was/is...? It has a software code number, so I assume it's something I paid for a long time ago.

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Re: Old Kron question

Post by CasablancaExpert »

Hello John,

I sometimes like the challenge of a vague question -- the trick comes in the fact that a few years ago the MS office got together with the MS AG team and renamed software short names (what you see on your software printout) so they made more sense in English. But here is my guess, it could be either the first version of Arabesk, or it could be either VME Compact or the DVD program (both found in the Image Pool) which supplies the masks and image backgrounds used in the early versions of the Arabesk software (prior to use bringing in a frame or sequence of video from our Scene bin/storyboard). We still have those options but they, I believe, are installed with the Arabesk software. Anyway, that's my guess -- who's next?

Chet Davis
the Casablanca Expert
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Re: Old Kron question

Post by johnneumann »

Thanks, Chet. Your reply prompted an intelligent idea. :mrgreen:

Since I'm new to the newer Kron OS with only a few items installed and one project about to be finished, I could just install the thing and see if I can figure out from hands-on use what this thing is. If it turns out to be Arabesk 1 and accidentally overwrites my later version, I won't have much to lose in setting everything back up again from scratch.

I'll wait until my project is done and then install it and see what I come up with.

Maybe it's an app that picks winning lottery numbers or something.

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