Audio sync

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Audio sync

Post by HowardB »

Does anyone know what would cause the audio to be out of sync with the video after importing footage to Renommee?
This happens off and on recently. (Original footage is fine).

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Re: Audio sync

Post by IanPearson »

The only time I have had the audio out of sync is when I have started the record, immediately after running the input.

You do not say how you captured the footage, but making sure there is say 10secs of black (or film you do not need) before staring to film and then when capturing on your Renommee run the film for a few seconds before starting the recording, makes sure everything is in sync.

Editing third party footage is where this usually gives me a problem, they mostly start filming the wanted footage from frame one.

Ian Pearson S6000 Bogart SE7 - Solitaire OS V9.1 - Avio DV Pro OS V9.1
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Re: Audio sync

Post by TimKennelly »

If it dropped frames upon input that could do it, but I agree with Ian, the only time I experienced this was when I felt I jumped the gun engaging Record with the Cam just beginning to play.

Try re-inputting it letting the tape roll a couple of seconds at least prior to hitting Record and see if that keeps the sync problem at bay.
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Re: Audio sync

Post by HowardB »

Thanks Ian and Tim.
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Re: Audio sync

Post by JeffMenton »

A very important rule to follow...
Make sure you have a number of seconds of pre-roll on your input device before you hit RECORD. I always give myself at least 10 seconds.
Also, remember at the end of the tape download to hit STOP RECORD before hitting stop on your input device.
This is why it is always necessary to run black or color bars on the front and back of EVERY tape you shoot. As a rule of thumb I always run 45 seconds on color bars on the front of every Sony DVCAM tape that goes into the camera. Also, don't forget to run the same when ending the tape.
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Re: Audio out of sync

Post by marsvideopro »

this was particularly helpful for me today, and it was my first attempt in researching help for my 1st problem. i tried inputting an old vhs document that i wanted a dvd copy of using my newly acquired kron plus. prior to finding this thread, i decided to try something entirely different: i dubbed the vhs onto a mini DV tape. then i transferred the DV to the cassie via firewire with no sync problems. then, i tried using the arabesk dvd burner for the first time, also with good success, i now have a dvd of my old vhs document.

i also have a number of old svhs tapes i want to transfer to disc, and hope i can bypass the middle step (transferring to DV), as i also eventually learned to put a minute of black on the heads and tails of my tapes, so i hope that the extra preroll time does cure the out of sync audio. i'll find out!

- josh mars
IanPearson wrote:Howard
The only time I have had the audio out of sync is when I have started the record, immediately after running the input.

You do not say how you captured the footage, but making sure there is say 10secs of black (or film you do not need) before staring to film and then when capturing on your Renommee run the film for a few seconds before starting the recording, makes sure everything is in sync.

Editing third party footage is where this usually gives me a problem, they mostly start filming the wanted footage from frame one.

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