Making a Scene: 17-Second Insert gets lost...!

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Making a Scene: 17-Second Insert gets lost...!

Post by RobertCarpentier »

Hello Fellow Editors,

The insert function is typically one of my favorite, but a baffling "loss-of-insert" problem has occured with one of them in my project: After making the entire storyboard into a scene, I then split it into 6 appropriate scenes to be "flagged" later as chapters. Then I clipboard the 6 into a new project and place them in the new storyboard (thereby leaving the original storyboard alone). Sounds logical and simple until I discovered that one of the various inserts I had - the longest one - got left behind.

It was a 17-second scene inserted into a 23-second scene which was part of an 8-minute-long chapter.

I've tried the alternate method of clipboarding the entire 79-minute project out and splitting after importing - but that didn't work either.

Any ideas? :D

Bob Carpentier
Carpentier Pro Videography - Wedding/Event/Travel Videography, now serving Central Florida. Have Camera Will Travel. and CarpentierProVideo on YouTube.
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Casablanca Unit: Renommee Plus with SE 8.1 and Arabesk 4.1e. Much software but not all.
Sony NX 3/1, Canon XH A-1, Canon HV-20, Audio-Technica 897 shotgun, Sennheiser G3 100 Series Wireless Combo w/ SKM100-835 Mic, Sony TRV-900.
Location: Kissimmee, FL

Re: Making a Scene: 17-Second Insert gets lost...!

Post by RobertCarpentier »

Hello Friends,

This is a "progress" report from Bob (Robert) regarding the insert glitch. After approximately 6 different methods of solving this, the 17-second insert still does a "now-you-see-it-now-you-don't" thing. I even resorted to a "non-insert method" of SCENE>SAMPLE with the audio from the 23-second scene, then splitting the video portion with a 17-second "LOSE" to set up for the other scene. Still Glitching.

This was all shot in HDV then downconverted at the camera. I guess there must be a gremlin in the 17-second footage?

Any similar experiences with the story of success or failure would be appreciated. :lol:
Carpentier Pro Videography - Wedding/Event/Travel Videography, now serving Central Florida. Have Camera Will Travel. and CarpentierProVideo on YouTube.
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Re: Making a Scene: 17-Second Insert gets lost...!

Post by TimKennelly »


Normally, if something is wrong with a Scene or Insert and you try to Create a Scene of it the action will simply fail to finish.

You are saying it is creating the Scene, but the Insert is not in the finished product?

I have not heard of that one before.

I am not calling you stupid, but sometimes we get an idea in our head and overlook something obvious, are you absolutely sure you are looking in the right spot in the finished Scene ?

If it's actually doing this, I would use Control Image (just boost the saturation or contrast by 1 (or to your satisfaction) and Create them) on both the seventeen second insert Scene and the twenty-three second Scene in the Scene bin and then Replace both of the originals with these new versions.

If there is something wrong (or being detected as such) with either Scene that should take care of it.
My mom always told me that happiness was the key to life.
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Tim Kennelly
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Casablanca Unit: Renommee Plus with SE 8.1 and Arabesk 4.1e. Much software but not all.
Sony NX 3/1, Canon XH A-1, Canon HV-20, Audio-Technica 897 shotgun, Sennheiser G3 100 Series Wireless Combo w/ SKM100-835 Mic, Sony TRV-900.
Location: Kissimmee, FL

Re: Making a Scene: 17-Second Insert gets lost...!

Post by RobertCarpentier »

Thanks, Tim - and before you even replied ... I realized that YES, I AM STUPID! :)

After REALLY reviewing my storyboard, I realized that the same 23-second scene appears twice :lol: - only renamed by "yours truly" in an earlier scene-split process. Naturally the insert did NOT appear in both of the scenes - which resulted in the "now-you-see-it-now-you don't" anomaly.

LESSON LEARNED: Use care when splitting and, in general, do not muddy up the scene bin...!

My apologies for wasting anyone's time. And to whomever manages this forum : PLEASE DELETE THIS TOPIC after a couple days.
At least I'm happy that I solved it - and at least tried to take responsibility for my stupidity! :D Happy Editing :mrgreen:

Bob Carpentier
Carpentier Pro Videography - Wedding/Event/Travel Videography, now serving Central Florida. Have Camera Will Travel. and CarpentierProVideo on YouTube.
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Re: Making a Scene: 17-Second Insert gets lost...!

Post by TimKennelly »

Most of us who edit a lot have done this same type of wrong assumption thing before which is why I said I wasn't calling you stupid. 8-)

Good to know there isn't a new type of bug in the system.
My mom always told me that happiness was the key to life.
At school they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up.
I said “happy" and they told me I didn’t understand the question.
I told them they didn’t understand life.

Tim Kennelly
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