In Arabesk . . .

For all questions & tips related to Casablanca video editors.
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Joined: Tue Aug 12, 2008 3:22 pm
Casablanca Unit: Casablanca S6000, with 4.1G Bogart.
Location: Memphis TN

In Arabesk . . .

Post by videojim »

When you've authored a disk to come up menu first, is there a way to put a soundtrack in the menu? I see that done, and wonder if it is possible with the Renomee?
Skype ID-talkingrock756
Posts: 93
Joined: Tue Apr 01, 2008 2:52 pm
Casablanca Unit: Smart Edit 8 Prestige Plus 256MB, Bluebox World, PIP Studio,Disk Transfer, QuadCam, Motion Perfect, Motion 3D, Photo Studio2, Photo Transfer, Audio Effects Pkg, Magic Lights, Filter Pack,Arabesk 4,That's about it. I generally use a 2 monitor setup.

Shoot with 2 Sony VX2000's, and also a VX2100.
Location: Brighton, Massachusetts

Re: In Arabesk . . .

Post by BobNaughton »


Yes, it is possible. When you are choosing the background for your DVD menu, just be sure that the scene you choose already has a soundtrack. In your mix menu, just add a music track, or narration to your scene, and make a scene of this. Then when you are in arabesque and you are editing your main menu, choose background, and then select that scene. Then in arabesque under the background tab, choose animated if it is a moving scene and not a still picture. The one other thing you must do under that same tab, under audio place a checkmark in the box. This will create your scene with the audio you selected. It will take longer to render your scene with audio than without it.
Posts: 841
Joined: Fri Jan 16, 2009 9:34 am
Casablanca Unit: S3000, S4000 PRO, Renommee Plus

Re: In Arabesk . . .

Post by CasablancaExpert »

Hello Jim,

As Bob points out, yes you can! To amplify what he shared, there is a tutorial on my website here with the process: (the intention of this tutorial was how to add motion to your menu as a background video - but it also shares the audio function).

Chet Davis
the Casablanca Expert
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