Hi Bob:
I am using an Epson R340 Printer. I purchased it mainly because it could print to DVD's which I needed. I was uing an HP Photosmart 1215 Printer until then. I have no problems with my Epson,s ability to print, although I dont have a digital camera, I jut make stills out of the Video's I take which of course is not on par with a high resolution digital image. I recently purchased a new laptop, but because all my files were on my old laptop, I find myself using the old one still. I wanted to get a more up to date printing program on my new laptop, because my old one is Microsoft Picture in Picture 2001 which is dated.
I was using the PIP for general printing, Epson Print CD for dvd labels, and Expressit something or other for Vhs, and then Dvd cases. I was hoping to install one new program on my new computer instead of using many different softwares to get the job done. This morning I called a company I saw on the website to ask them if besides everything it said it did, did it have a template to print to a DVD. He assured me that it would do anything I needed it to do, including curing me of any strange disease I might pick up
The product was Serif Pageplus X4. Cost around $100.00. His accent was definetly British. Man, those guys talk fast. I wish Ian Pearson was on the phone with me to interpret. I hope I didn't buy a "pig in a poke" but the deal's done. Now, soon I will have another new toy to play with.