Smart Edit 9 Question

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Joined: Tue Mar 25, 2008 2:56 am
Casablanca Unit: Windows computer with Bogart SE 13.3, Arabesk 7, Audio Effects Pack v1.2b, Motion 3D XL-1 Pack 1, Sentry HD-Backup, Disk Juggler, Power Key, Aspector, Chromit, Effects Pack 8, Effect Pack 9, PiP Studio 3, Time-X, Ultimate Spice Box HD, Slivers, PIP Studio 4 ; Older windows computer with Bogart 8.4, Arabesk 7; Kron Plus with SE 8.3, most Generation 2 software except for CB Paint, Columbus, titling add-ons, and graphics symbols. Various TVs and a Kenner Give-A-Show Projector
Location: Boston, MA

Smart Edit 9 Question

Post by CKNewman »

I'm trying to decide whether or not to upgrade to Smart Edit 9. One line in the Release Notes reads,

"-There is no preview sound heard in the Audio/Record Edit menu when the input is set for DV."

Is this in effect when you load video footage or only when you are in the audio record screen? Does this mean that you can't hear anything while you're loading video footage -- that instead of adjusting levels on the fly (and saving time) would I be forced to adjust the levels in post exclusively?

With a religious service or event that goes over one hour that could really slow the editing process down.

Can anyone clarify this for me? Thank you in advance.
Craig Newman
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Joined: Mon Mar 31, 2008 2:23 pm
Casablanca Unit: Meteor Pro Ultra, OS 10, Arabesk 7
Location: Statesboro, Georgia

Re: Smart Edit 9 Question

Post by BobC »


I am loading my first tape (SD 16:9) on a new drive with 9.1 and I hear the sound as I go.
Bob Claxton
Heritage Video

Meteor Pro Ultra, OS 10, Arabesk 7
Posts: 604
Joined: Tue Mar 25, 2008 2:56 am
Casablanca Unit: Windows computer with Bogart SE 13.3, Arabesk 7, Audio Effects Pack v1.2b, Motion 3D XL-1 Pack 1, Sentry HD-Backup, Disk Juggler, Power Key, Aspector, Chromit, Effects Pack 8, Effect Pack 9, PiP Studio 3, Time-X, Ultimate Spice Box HD, Slivers, PIP Studio 4 ; Older windows computer with Bogart 8.4, Arabesk 7; Kron Plus with SE 8.3, most Generation 2 software except for CB Paint, Columbus, titling add-ons, and graphics symbols. Various TVs and a Kenner Give-A-Show Projector
Location: Boston, MA

Re: Smart Edit 9 Question

Post by CKNewman »

Thank you, Bob! I wanted to be sure that I could still hear and "ride" the audio level as I input footage.

Hope you have a great Fourth of July weekend :D
Craig Newman
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